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A Commentary on the Hamd Surah (part 14)
The point of changing from the third person to the second has become clear from the statements of this thesis.
A Commentary on the Hamd Surah (part 13)
In the current exegeses that we have seen, or which are quoted from, the word “din” is said to mean judgment and reckoning. The lexicons give these meanings, too.
A Commentary on the Hamd Surah (part 12)
Do know that concerning the ‘Arsh and its carriers there are different opinions. Similarly, the noble narratives outwardly differ, too, although inwardly there is no difference, since, according to the Gnostic view and demonstrative way, the ‘Arsh covers so many meanings.
A Commentary on the Hamd Surah (part 11)
Do know that Allah’s ownership is not the same as the ownership of the servants, nor is it like the kings’ ownership of their kingdom, as these are conventional annexations, while annexing the creatures to Allah is not of that kind, although to the jurisprudents this sort of ownership of Allah is longitudinally confirmed.
A Commentary on the Hamd Surah (part 10)
Generally speaking, for the mercy of “Beneficence”? and “Mercifulness”?
A Commentary on the Hamd Surah (part 9)
A Faithful Awakening Do know that the Sovereignty of Allah, the Exalted, over the worlds is of two kinds
A Commentary on the Hamd Surah (part 8)
Do know that “praising” is for a “favor”. From the noble verse, it is deduced that praising and extolment are confirmed for the state of the Greatest Name as the all-embracing Name, which has the state of being the Lord of the worlds, “the Beneficent,” “the Merciful” and “the Master of the Day of Judgment.” So, these noble Names, i.e. “Rabb,” “Rahman” and “Malik” should have an effective role in the praising.
A Commentary on the Hamd Surah (part 7)
There is a great controversy about the word, the derivation and meaning of the worlds. Some say that the worlds is, plural, covering all kinds of creation, material and abstract, and each kind is a world in itself.
A Commentary on the Hamd Surah (part 6)
Be aware that the holy words “All praise is for God”?
A Commentary on the Hamd Surah (part 5)
Be aware that the knowledgeable and the formalists have said that; “Praising” is thanking by the tongue for a voluntary favor and, as they are unknown of all tongues except this fleshly organ, they consider all praising and glorifying God, or rather all the utterances of the Sacred Essence to be a kind of figurative speech.