Imam Reza
All Stories
> Ahl-Ul-Bayt
Basic Beliefs and Principles
Islamic History and Civilization
The Holy Prophet
Imam Ali (A.S)
Hazrat Zahra (A.S)
Imam Hassan (A.S)
Imam Hussein (A.S)
Imam Sadjad (A.S)
Imam Baqir (A.S)
Imam Sadiq (A.S)
Imam Kadhim (A.S)
Imam Reza (A.S)
Imam Javad (A.S)
Imam Hadi (A.S)
Imam Askari (A.S)
Imam Mahdi (A.S)
Sacrifice of Imam Hussein(AS), a Real Example of Righteousness
Imam Hossein (AS), a name that has inspired billions of Muslims all over the world is bound to never fade or get past its glory. A sacrifice, one so big, so grave, that the world, till date, speaks of Imam Hossein with the mightiest of vocal chords, deep from the heart.
Month of the Triumph of Blood Over Swords
"And think not of those who are slain in Allah's way as dead, nay they are alive (and) by their Lord well provided." (Holy Qur'an 3:169)
Can Imams (As) Enter Any Place?
Abasalt narrated: After Imam Ridha (AS) was poisoned by Ma’amoon, and wanted to leave his palace, Ma’amoon asked: Where are you going?
The Event or Eid al-Mubahalah
In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful.O Allah! Send your blessings to the chief of Your Messengers and the Last of Your Prophets, Muhammad (S), and his pure and cleansed progeny.
Imam Ali ibne Musa Al Reza's Word on MUHARRAM
Imam Ali ibne Musa Al Reza (a.s) said: “O son of Shabeeb! Muharram is such a month that the Arabs of the age of ignorance (pre-Islāmic) too respected its sanctity and forbade oppression and blood-shed in it.
Why Can a Muslim Never Be Ignoble?
One day Imam Sajjad (AS) proposed to marry a believing lady. One of his close friends was worried about this marriage because he did not know about that lady and feared she may not have the right criteria to marry an Imam.
Learn About the Virtues of Muharram
Below is a message from Dr. Sheikh Sayyid Muhammed bin Yahya Al-Ninowy on Muharram from his Khalwa, asking everyone to make Du’a for him, and all Muslims.
Old Pictures of Kazimain’s (A.S.) Holy Shrine
These very old photos of Kazimain’s (A.S.) holy shrine, are prepared on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Imam Kazim (A. S.).
The Message of Dedication in Karbala
“O People! The Messenger of Allah has said: If anyone witnesses an oppressive ruler who permits that which has been forbidden by Allah...
What Lessons Do We Learn From Karbala?
Imam Husayn had shown by his acts as well as his various discourses during the seven days of Muharram at Karbala, that this conflict was much more universal in nature, and that he knew that he was going to live for ever through his martyrdom.