Imam Reza
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> Islamic Morals
Motives for Responding to Supplications
The following etiquettes that must be followed when supplicating can be grounds for having the prayers responded to
Who is your friend?
Since the influence of friend of man is very deep, Islamic teachings have given an important status to the friendship. In Holy Qur’an it is stated that most of the companions of the Fire will say, in the Hell, that
Prophetic advice: Take advantage of five matters in life
The dear Prophet Muhammad (PBUH and his progeny) advised Muslims to take advantage of five matters, each and every day.
Ahl-ul-Bayt (A.S) and Humbleness
Humbleness is an outstanding feature in the lives of Ahl-ul-Bayt.
Investing for the Hereafter
Zubaydah was the wife of Haroon al-Rasheed, the Abbasid Caliph and also a secret follower of Imam Musa ibn Ja’ffar Al-Kadhim (A.S). Being the wife of the caliph and by virtue of being a queen, she was the most important woman of her time.
Islam and Religious Pluralism
The history of the world"s religions is full of horrible tales of persecution and intolerance. Often times the religious opposition to the beliefs of a people has been used to serve colonialist purposes, as in the treatment of Native American peoples by Christian Europeans. It is not surprising to find that with increased awareness of this history, and of the beliefs and customs of others, among sincere Christians there also comes compassion, regret for what has been done in the past, and a resolve to prevent its recurrence. Indeed, the development of political liberalism in eighteenth century Europe was largely fueled by a rejection of the religious intolerance exhibited in the sectarian wars of the Reformation period.
Allah says in Holy Qur'an, "Tell anyone who argues with you(Muhammad) concerning it, once knowledge has come to you:' Come, let us call our children and your children, our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves together; then let us plead, and place God's curse upon the liars
“Where are the Rajabiyoon?!”
In a tradition from Imam Sadiq (as), it reads that on Judgement Day, a call from within the throne of Allah (swt) will cry out: “Where are the Rajabiyoon?!” – calling upon those who observed the sanctity of this month. The following is a short reflection and humble reminder from our staff writer, Amir Ghafarian.
Meaning of Hadith & Traditions
In works on Islam, the word "hadith" usually refers to the sayings or "traditions" which have been transmitted from the Prophet. Muslims hold these to be the most important source of Islamic teachings after the Qur"an.
'Man la yahduruh al-Faqih' by Al-Saduq
Al-Shaikh al-Saduq is the title given to Abu Ja'far Muhammad b. 'Ali ibn Babawaih al Qummi. He was the leading traditionist of his time (4th Century A.H.) and one of the most outstanding traditionists of Shi'ite Islam.