Imam Reza
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> Quran and life
Sustenance and creation
There are verses of the holy Qur’an emphasizing that only God provides sustenance for human beings and all other creatures and has guaranteed sustenance for all creatures.
Understanding the divine traditions
By studying the verses related to this concept, one will realize that divine tradition refers to basic and solid rules either creative or legislative (based on divine Sharia) that do not undergo any change and such rules have been governing the past generations, the current one and the future generations.
Positive Motive
One of the positive motives for using commodities and services is to meet one’s material needs that are necessary for continuation of human life. On this basis, God in order to remind people of His blessings states that human beings are provided with whatever they need to continue their living.
The Benefits of Recitation of Holy Qur’an
The Holy Qur’an is the most perfect message from God that was reviled to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Faith is NOT a force
Faith is NOT a force. Faith is a relationship word. It is dependence and reliance upon God. It is ultimately unconditional surrender to God.
Alphabets of Success from the Holy Qur'an
Allah will exalt those who believe among you, and those who have knowledge to high ranks. 58: 11(Surah No. and Verse No.)
An explanation of the prefect names and attributes of Allah
Women’s Equality in Quranic Society
A DUAL SEX RATHER THAN UNISEX SOCIETY Let us consider the second basic characteristic of the Quranic society which affects the position of women. This is found in the directives for a dual sex rather than a unisex society.
The Islamic Concept of Life
The chief characteristic of Islam is that it makes no distinction between the spiritual and the secular in life.
Difference in Miracles of the Prophets
Imam Reza( A.S.) has said: "Wisdom is man's friend, and ignorance is his enemy." (Reference: Al-Kafi, vol. 1, p. 10)