Imam Reza
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> The Holy Prophet
Prophetic Mission of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
The Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.A) spent the major portion of his life in his native town, Mecca. He always treated the people kindly and affectionately and never harmed anyone.
Different Aspect of Islam of prophet Mohammad(P.B.U.H)
From the first, Islam has said that it is the last message, and Muslims have accepted this fact with wisdom and with love, and have realized that Islam is the last manifestation of revelation prophethood and the culmination of the former pure religions Also, all Muslims, on the basis of ayahs in the Qur"an and hadith believe that the prophet of Islam (S.A.) is the last messenger of Allah who was the recipient of human leadership.
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), The Savior of Mankind
The Glorious Qur'an, indicates very clearly and distinctly that the last Prophet Muhammad (SAW), was sent as a blessing to mankind and he was destined to be recognized as the leader of the entire humanity for all times to come.
27th Rajab,The Beginning of the Prophetic Mission
Muhammad (s.a.w.), though endeared and respected by Meccans for his wisdom and virtues, preferred solitude and kept his distance from the polytheist society. Disgusted with the corruption all around, he used to retire to the Cave of Hera, in a mountain a few kilometers from Mecca, meditating Allah"s Majesty and worshipping Him. Initially he used to remain in the cave for a day or two and sometimes even 10 nights or more but the next few years saw him spending a whole month in that cave, praying to Allah and contemplating guidance for the deviated people.
A Brief History of the Prophet"s Life
The oldest and noblest tribe in the whole of Arabia was Banu Hashim.
The Holy Prophet Muhammad Al Mustafa (S.A)’ Ziyarat
The Holy grave of the Holy Prophet is inside the "Masjidun Nabawwi", in Medina Munawwarah.
Prophet Muhammad’s Hadith (1)
Hypocrites are characterized by three features: telling lies, reneging on promises, breaching of trust.
Muhammad (S.A.W.) The Most Influential Person in History
From the 100, a ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History : By Michael H. Hart.
The Intellectual and Spiritual Personality of the Greatest Prophet of God
According to authentic historical documents, the Holy Prophet (SA) was brought up in an atmosphere which was the meanest environment for living and was the centre of ignorance, corruption, and moral vices.
The Coming of The Most Noble Messenger
With eyes as bright as the shining sun, a reality on the lips more brilliant than the light of the sun, a heart more fresh than the flowers of the gardens of Yathrib and Taif, habits and morals more decent than the moon- lit nights of the Hijaz, a mind more brisk than the strong winds, a bewitching tongue, a heart with heavenly light, firm determination like a trenchant sword and heavenly words on the tongue - such was Muhammad son of Abdullah, the prophet of Arabia, the prophet who destroyed the idols which had separated brothers from brothers