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> Imam Hussein (A.S)
Who is Imam Husayn (As)?
The third Shiite Imam, Husayn, was the second son of Ali and Fatima . He was born in 626 AD. He was named in a ceremony similar to the one held for his elder brother Hasan in the presence of the Prophet Muhammad.
Abd Al-Rahman Ibn Abd Rabbah Al-Ansari Al-Khazraji
Abd Al-Rahman Ibn Abd Rabbah Al-Ansari Al-Khazraji: The Companion of Imam Hussayn (P) who was also one of those who testified to hear the Holy Prophet.
The Truth About Imam Hussain’s Revolution
Different phenomena vary as to their realities. Similarly, every uprising or revolt is unique as to the truth/s underlying its eruption
The Message of Karbala
All praise belongs to the Almighty [s], the Lord of the Universe. The moon of Muharram is upon us, and with it comes the Message of Karbala.
Imam Hussein (As)’S Revolution, Reasons & Motives
All those who are familiar with Imam Hussein's life do certainly realize that his role in serving Islam had started very early in his life.
Millions of Muslims to Commemorate Day of Ashura
Millions of Muslim mourners begin the processions shortly after the sunrise on the Day of Tasu’a (the ninth day of the lunar month of Muharram) and the following day which is Ashura, lining up in coordinated and orderly bands of passion plays and recitations of elegies which will continue until the evening.
Nakhl-Gardani: Traditional Iranian Mourning Ritual
Nakhl-gardani is an ancient mourning ritual commemorating the suffering and martyrdom of Imam Hussein (PBUH), the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the third Shia Imam, which is held annually in towns and villages in central Iran, with Yazd as the main host.
A Historical Analysis of What Led to the Tragedy of Karbala
The Religion of Islam was presented to the world and human society Forthrightly; no problem, or issue, which was necessary for of society in order to prosper, was left unsolved by the time the Prophet passed away.
The Grand Ayatollah Sistani Answered Questions About Muharram
Imam Hussain and His Martyrdom 3
Snare of Riches Meanwhile Persia came within the Muslim orbit. When Medain was captured in the year 16 of the Hijra, and the battle of Jalula broke the Persian resistance, some military booty was brought to Medina - gems, pearls, rubies, diamonds, swords of gold and silver.