Imam Reza
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Misconceptions about the Tragedy of Karbala
A number of misconceptions about the tragedy of Karbala have been popularized by, of all people, Muslim scholars.
Muhammad, the Most Popular Baby Name in London
Muhammad was the most popular name for baby boys in English regions London, the West Midlands, and Yorkshire and the Humber in 2017, government statistics show, with spelling variations in the name taking it to first place across England and Wales.
Necessity for Imam's Isma, a Theological Question
An Imam is not an ordinary leader who simply has to rule a country and protect its borders; rather, in addition to this duty, he has other weighty responsibilities, alluded to above.
Unity Behind Essentials of Islam
Lebanese cleric Sami Khadra has stressed that Muslims have much in common, warning that focusing on the minor differences leads to division that benefits the enemy.
Habib Ibn Mudhahir Al-Asadi: One of the Heroes of At-Taf
Imam al-Hussayn’s (peace be upon him) companions, were recognized by their unique qualities that made them the best martyrs.
Ta’ziyeh: Play of the War Between Good and Evil
Ta’zieh, condolence theater or passion play, is a traditional Persian theater, in which actors convey the dramatic events through music and songs. The Ta’zieh plays retail the wars between good and evil where dialogues symbolize faith, resistance, selflessness and sacrifice.
Who is Imam Husayn (As)?
The third Shiite Imam, Husayn, was the second son of Ali and Fatima . He was born in 626 AD. He was named in a ceremony similar to the one held for his elder brother Hasan in the presence of the Prophet Muhammad.
Abd Al-Rahman Ibn Abd Rabbah Al-Ansari Al-Khazraji
Abd Al-Rahman Ibn Abd Rabbah Al-Ansari Al-Khazraji: The Companion of Imam Hussayn (P) who was also one of those who testified to hear the Holy Prophet.
The Message of Karbala
All praise belongs to the Almighty [s], the Lord of the Universe. The moon of Muharram is upon us, and with it comes the Message of Karbala.
Imam Hussein (As)’S Revolution, Reasons & Motives
All those who are familiar with Imam Hussein's life do certainly realize that his role in serving Islam had started very early in his life.