Imam Reza
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The Last Hours of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) returned from the Farewell Haj at the end of the month of Zilhaj of 10 A.H. After passing the one month of Muharram, he fell ill at the beginning of Safar 11 A.H.
Terminologically, injustice is to put a thing in an inappropriate place. Polytheism, hence, is grave injustice, because it is replaced with monotheism.
The Death and Burial of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
During the last moments of his life, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) opened his eyes and asked for his brother to be called. All those present understood that he meant no one other than Ali. When Imam Ali (A.S) arrived, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) raised his cloak and took him under its cover. He then placed his head on the chest of Imam Ali (A.S) and talked to him for a long time.
The Effect of Affection
The rapid spread of Islam, whose reasons and roots are always discussed, is seen as one of the significant historical issues all over the world.
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Recommendations to Abuzar (Part 2)
Some of most valuable and precious traditions handed down from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are the ones given to Abuzar. Due to their importance and fruitfulness, they are known as Abuzar traditions. Some of them are given below
Secrets behind the deep influence and rapid development of Islam
What are secrets behind the deep influence and rapid development of Islam?
Effect of Prophet’s Personality on the Spread of Islam
Besides the Qur’an, Prophet Muhammad’s personality, his behavior, his precept, his management and leadership can be regarded as other important factors for rapid spread and influence of Islam. Even after his demise, his precept and tradition has been among crucial factors of spread of Islam.
One Example of Holy Prophet Muhammad’s Tactics
In the late years of Prophet Muhammad’s migration, when Islam was gradually flourishing, a group of representatives from Taif came to visit the holy Prophet in Medina.
Punishment for Embezzlement of the Public Treasury
The event goes back to the year seven hegira. The holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH) was mobilizing the Muslims in Medina
Prophet Muhammad’s Guards
It is natural that guarding the Right and the Righteous people is an obligatory duty in Islam and, one must not avoid such an important responsibility by confining one to mere saying, “God may bless and keep them safe.”