Imam Reza
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‘Ashura, a festival for Bani Umayyah
Bani Umayyah not only opposed holding mourning ceremonies for the Doyen of Martyrs, Imam al-Husayn (as),
Conditions of the peace treaty
Mu‘awiyah took advantage of this opportunity. He sent a letter to Imam al-Hasan (as)
The Sufferings of Imam Ali after the Prophet's demise: The usurped Caliphate
After the death of the Prophet, Abu Bakr became the caliph instead of me. Every time he saw me, he used to ask for my forgiveness for his oppression against me. He used to ask for my forgiveness, and he used to blame his friend Omar, for having taken my true right, and broken their covenant with me, and for all these matters, he always asked for my forgiveness.
Istikhara by Tasbih Beads by Imam al‑Zamana
It has been narrated from al‑Qa'im regarding the Istikhara by the tasbih
On the Secrets of Fasting
Fasting is limiting our intake of food in response to God's call and for the building of His kingdom. Almost all the great men and women of God throughout history have known a secret, the secret of fasting. They have understood the power and the privilege of fasting. We cannot fast unless we have God's permission. But when God permits us to fast, we have the opportunity to be in the forefront of His work. We are honored to be chosen to have such an important part in the Spirit's movement. Fasting is a power, privilege, opportunity, and honor. But only those who know the secret recognize this.
Special Fasting means keeping one's ears, eyes, tongue, hands and feet -- and all other organs -- free from sin.
Ali: The Voice of Human Justice
Out of the persons who have narrated the attributes of Imam Ali son of Abu Talib the author of Zakhair al-Uqba writes thus: "His stature was moderate and slightly short.
The Night of Destiny
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) is quoted on page 265, Vol. 3, of al- Amin's work Miftahul Jannat, saying: "Allah has favored Friday over all other days, the month of Ramadan over all other months, and the Night of Destiny (Lailatul-Qadr) over all other nights."
Benefits of Fasting
In Islam, the spiritual, social, economic, political and psychological benefits of fast are interrelated, each affecting the other.
Diet during Ramadan
It is a globally recognized and foremost part of dietary guidelines that eating a variety of food using principles of moderation and balance. This is particularly true during the Islamic month of Ramadan when Muslims fast from dawn to sunset. To be healthy, one must consume food from the major food groups: bread and cereal, milk and dairy product, meat and bean, vegetable and fruit. During the month long fast of Ramadan the metabolic rate of a fasting person slows down and other regulatory mechanisms start functioning. Body and dietary fat is efficiently utilized. Consuming total food intake that is less than the total food intake during normal days is sufficient to maintain a person's health. Intake of fruits after a meal is strongly suggested. A balanced diet improves blood cholesterol profile, reduces gastric acidity, prevents constipation and other digestive problems, and contributes to an active and healthy life style. (Int. J. Ramadan Fasting Research, 3:1-6, 1999)