Imam Reza
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Guest of the Holy Ka'ba, Fatima Bint Asad
This great lady who has been of the brightest stars of Islamic history had lived a most powerful and eventful life. Her name was Fatima, the daughter of Asad, son of Hashem. Fatima had been gifted with some most unique qualities that no other woman before her and no other woman after her had been granted by Allah. Every aspect of her outstanding life has invaluable lessons to teach to all mankind past, present and future.
Symbol of Infallible in Qom
Being a virtuous incarnate, it is no exaggeration if we call Hazrat Massoumah (SA) second to Hazrat Fatima (SA). She passed away in the prime of her life, at age 17, away from her home. She departed from Medina to Marve, eager to meet her brother Imam Reza (AS), but returned to her Lord before fulfilling her desire.
Hazrat Zainab’s shrine
Hazrat Zainab’s shrine the daughter of Imam Ali (pbuh) and Hazrat Fatimah Zahra (pbuh), and the granddaughter of Prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad has located in the town of ‘Sit Zainab’, Damascus capital city of Syria, has granted her name to the town awarding it more beauty, spirituality and fame.
Some Messages about the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): Part 3
The source of goodness and truth is justice which is an innate characteristic of the Prophet of Islam. Not only did he practically practice justice in social attitudes and government affairs but also he brought up and trained a just successor such as Imam Ali (A.S).
The signs of the departure of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) carried out the mission of his Lord to His people perfectly. He saved them from ignorance and bad habits and freed their minds from their rigidity and guide them to see the vast horizons of the noble life in this world and the afterword.
Abu Dharr Al-Ghifari
In the Waddan valley which connects Mecca with the outside world, lived the tribe of Ghifar. The Ghifar existed on the meagre offerings of the trade caravans of the Quraysh which plied between Syria and Mecca. It is likely that they also lived by raiding these caravans when they were not given enough to satisfy their needs.
Hazrat Fatimah Ma'soomeh (a.s)
Hazrat-e Ma’soome was born in Zulqadeh 1, 173 A.H (Arabic date)in Medina. Her father was Imam Moosa Kazim (the seventh Imam) and her mother was Hazrat-e Najmeh whose purity and nobility was the reason why she was called Tahereh.
The Last Hours of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) returned from the Farewell Haj at the end of the month of Zilhaj of 10 A.H. After passing the one month of Muharram, he fell ill at the beginning of Safar 11 A.H.
The Death and Burial of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
During the last moments of his life, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) opened his eyes and asked for his brother to be called. All those present understood that he meant no one other than Ali. When Imam Ali (A.S) arrived, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) raised his cloak and took him under its cover. He then placed his head on the chest of Imam Ali (A.S) and talked to him for a long time.
The Effect of Affection
The rapid spread of Islam, whose reasons and roots are always discussed, is seen as one of the significant historical issues all over the world.