Imam Reza
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Science and Civilization in Islam
The history of science is often regarded today as the progressive accumulation of techniques and the refinement of quantitative methods in the study of Nature. Such a point of view considers the present conception of science to be the only valid one; it therefore judges the sciences of other civilizations in the light of modern science and evaluates them primarily with respect to their "development" with the passage of time.
The Interior Life in Islam
"O thou soul which are at peace, return unto thy Lord, with gladness that is thine in Him and His in thee. Enter thou among My slaves. Enter thou My Paradise." (Quran - LXXXIX; 27-30 trans. by M. Lings.)
Whose good deeds are accepted?
Once again, according to numerous hadiths that Sunnis have narrated, the condition for the acceptance of good deeds by Allah (swt) is the acceptance of the succession and imamate of Imam Ali (A.S).
Early youth of Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS)
Ali ibn Abu Talib describes this enlightening period of his age as under: The Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) used to go to the Cave of Hira but nobody except he (pbuh) and I did know about it. At the time when the religion of Islam had not yet reached the homes, he (pbuh) and his wife Khatijah (SA) were the only Muslims.
Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib's (AS) way or Training
The city of Kufa was the capital of the Islamic Government. People from all over the World used to gather at that point to get the benefit of knowledge and learning from that great Islamic University.
Sayings of Imam Ali (A.S.)
Imam Ali (as) said : "Ask in order to understand, and do not ask in order to find fault,
Battle of the Camel Part 2
The Battle of Bassorah, Battle of the Camel, or Battle of Jamal was a battle that took place at Basra, Iraq in 656 between forces allied to Hazart Ali ibn Abi Talib (Muhammad's cousin and son-in-law, Rightly Guided Caliph and Commander of the Faithful) and forces allied to Aisha (widow of Muhammad, and called the Mother of the Faithful) who wanted justice on the perpetrators of the assassination of the previous caliph Uthman.
The Sufferings of Imam Ali after the Prophet's demise: The usurped Caliphate
After the death of the Prophet, Abu Bakr became the caliph instead of me. Every time he saw me, he used to ask for my forgiveness for his oppression against me. He used to ask for my forgiveness, and he used to blame his friend Omar, for having taken my true right, and broken their covenant with me, and for all these matters, he always asked for my forgiveness.
The Sufferings of Imam Ali after the Prophet's demise: The battle of Seffeyn (1)
The sixth stage was the battle with Moaviye the son of Hind, the eater of the liver, and finally accepting the vote of the “Hakameyn”. A battle with the one who was the enemy of God and our Prophet from the time of the Prophetic Mission of Muhammad, till our victory in Mecca.
Benefits of Fasting
In Islam, the spiritual, social, economic, political and psychological benefits of fast are interrelated, each affecting the other.