Imam Reza
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Thoughts of Imam Ali (PBUH): Islamic unity
it is well known that the Household of the Prophet tried hard to preserve the rites of Islam, to call Muslims to restore its glory, to unify their beliefs, and that they also strived to maintain the brotherhood of Islam and to remove malice and enmity from the hearts of the Muslims.
Abstinence and Piety of Imam Ali (A.S)
Umar ibn Abd-al-Aziz, the Umayyad caliph, had said: ”No one at all throughout the world will be like Imam Ali in piety and devotedness.” All of the Islamic researchers confirmed Imam Ali’s asceticism in food and dress.
Jame’ Atiq Mosque: One of the Very Old Mosques in Iran
TEHRAN - The ancient Jame’ Atiq Mosque of Shiraz is one of the oldest mosques in Iran and a relic of the days of the Saffarid Amr bin Leys’s reign. It is a structure referred to many times in the writings of travelers such as the Bin Battuta and Madame Dieulafoy.
The Caliphate of Imam Ali (A.S) and His Method of Rule (Part 1)
The caliphate of Ali began toward the end of the year 35/656 and lasted about four years and nine months. During his period as caliph Ali followed the ways of the Holy Prophet [1] and brought conditions back to their original state. He forced the resignation of all the incompetent political elements who had a hand in directing affairs [2] and began in reality a major transformation of a "revolutionary" nature which caused him innumerable difficulties. [3]
Optimistic Picture of the Future in the Qur’anic View
As you may know, Islam, like all other religions, portrays an optimistic picture of the future. This portrayal has been done in the manner most beautiful in the Holy Qur’an.
What is Ashura ?
Every day is Ashura and every land is Kerbala
Terminology of the Mahdiism Doctrine
Some religious or philosophical concepts are pivotal, and are interpreted in a particular way as Doctrine. For instance, 'Dukkha' ("Suffering" or "sorrow") in Buddhism is so important that is called 'the Doctrine of Dukkha or the Doctrine of Buddha'; or 'Maya' ("imaginary world") is a fundamental concept in Hindu phi¬losophy, which construes as 'the Doctrine of Maya'.6
Imam Muhammad At-Taqi (AS)
Imam Muhammad (ibn Ali) is the eighth Imam's son
Imam Reza (A.S.) and the subject of succession to caliphate
The last part of the twenty year period of Imam Reza’s (A.S.) Imamah which began by his migration from Medina to Marv and lasted until his death,
Sunni Islam
Sunni Islam is the largest denomination of Islam. Its name comes from the word Sunnah, referring to the exemplary behaviour of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.