Imam Reza
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This Sura takes its name from v. 33. Al-i-Imran like the names of many other suras is merely a name to distinguish it from other suras and does not imply that the family of Imran has been discussed in it.
Bani Israel (Children of Israel/The night journey)
This Surah takes its name (Bani Israil) from v. 4. But this name is merely a distinctive appellation like the names of many other surhas and not a descriptive title and does not mean that "Bani Isra'il" is the theme of this Surah
A'raf (Heights)
This Surah takes its name from vv. 46-47 in which mention of A'araf occurs.
19. Maryam (Mary)
Name: It takes its name from v. 16.
Imam Al-Mahdi Al-Muntadhar (a.s) (part 3)
As an example, Ali ibn Musa al-Rida (the eighth Imam) has said, in the course of a hadith, "The imam after me is my son, Muhammad and after him his son Ali, and after Ali his son, Hasan, and after Hasan his son Hujjat al-Qa'im, who is awaited during his occultation and obeyed during his manifestation.
Commencement of Imam Mahdi’s Imamate (Part 2)
The Prophet further elaborates, “Beware of doubting, for to doubt the order of God, the Mighty, the Sublime, is apostasy (Kufr). Ibn Khaldun also states that “When imprisoned with his mother in the house, he entered a sort of well or pit in the house that his family occupies at Samarrah, Iraq, and there he disappeared, but he is to come forth at the end of the age to fill the earth with justice”.
Imam Al-Mahdi: The Awaited Hope for Humanity (part 2)
“The world will not come to an end until a man from the descendants of Husayn takes charge of the affairs of the world and fills it with justice and equity as it is filled with injustice and tyranny.”
Moment by moment expectation due to the unpredictability of the time of rising
The Shea authorities narrated: Imam al-Sadiq (AS) said to his companions, "Be more hopeful on the things that you consider far-fetched than that which you presume very likely.
Some Ways for Waiving the Remaining Time of Occulation (Part 2)
Below are some of the things we can do to seek the pleasure of Allah and His Hujja (AS) so that Allah may decide to waive the remaining time of occultation.
Will there be any confusion in Identifying al-Qa'im (AS)?
The occurrence of the signs indicates that the rising of al-Qa'im is about to take place. The question that may arise here is that, since the signs may change or may be cancelled, will there be any confusion for people to recognize Imam al-Mahdi (AS) once he starts his mission? Moreover, if there would be no confusion that he is the promised Mahdi (AS), why would then people oppose him?