Imam Reza
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A Glance at the Holy Shrine of Hazrat Fatima Ma'soumeh (PBUH)
When Hazrat Fatima Ma'soumeh (PBUH) was buried in Qom there was a shade made of straw on the holy grave built by Musa bin Khajraj. The first dome which was in the form of a tower was built by Hazrat Zaynab (PBUH), the daughter of Imam Muhammad Taqi al-Jawad (PBUH) in the middle of third century hijrah. Stone, bricks and stucco were used as construction material for this dome.
Abu Dharr Al-Ghifari
In the Waddan valley which connects Mecca with the outside world, lived the tribe of Ghifar. The Ghifar existed on the meagre offerings of the trade caravans of the Quraysh which plied between Syria and Mecca. It is likely that they also lived by raiding these caravans when they were not given enough to satisfy their needs.
Secrets behind the deep influence and rapid development of Islam
What are secrets behind the deep influence and rapid development of Islam?
Islamic Center in America
History of the Islamic Center of America Islamic Center of America is one of North America’s oldest institutions. Established in 1963, the Islamic Center has been serving the needs of Muslims in the greater Detroit area as well as throughout the United States.
Imam Ali(A.S) Biography
the 13th of the month of Rajab, twenty-three years before the migration of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) a child was born in the family of Abu Talib, the light of whom kindled the whole World.
Women Arrested After Trespassing at Arizona Mosque, Mocking Islam
Two women were arrested on Thursday after they recorded a video while taking things from a mosque in Arizona and insulting Islam, which the police said might be considered hate speech.
Imam Ali`s Martyrdom
On the 19th of Ramadan month (Mah-e-Ramazan) of the year 40 A.H, Imam Ali came to the mosque in Kufa for his morning prayers. Imam Ali (pbuh) gave the call for prayer (Azaan) and became engaged in leading the congregation. Abd-al-Rahman ibn Muljam pretending to pray, stood just behind Imam Ali (pbuh), and when Imam Ali (pbuh) was in a state of prostration, Abd-al-Rahman ibn Muljam dealt a heavy stroke with his sword, inflicting a deep wound on Imam Ali’s (pbuh) head.
Fasting in the Qur'an
Ramadhan is the (month) in which was sent down the Qur'an, as a guide to mankind,
The Sufferings of Imam Ali after the Prophets demise: Martyrdom of Imam Ali
Imam Ali looked at the face of the Jewish man and said:“I talked about the fourteen instances, and now there remains just another event that will happen in near future”
The Great Virtues of Imam Ali (Part 3)
"O Kumail, no doubt these hearts (i.e. minds) are containers, and the best of them are those who retain most.