Imam Reza
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The Sufferings of Imam Ali after the death of the Prophet of Islam
Tolerance for the death of Prophet (peace be upon Him)
The Sufferings of Imam Ali after the Prophet's demise: The usurped Caliphate
After the death of the Prophet, Abu Bakr became the caliph instead of me. Every time he saw me, he used to ask for my forgiveness for his oppression against me. He used to ask for my forgiveness, and he used to blame his friend Omar, for having taken my true right, and broken their covenant with me, and for all these matters, he always asked for my forgiveness.
Benefits of Fasting
In Islam, the spiritual, social, economic, political and psychological benefits of fast are interrelated, each affecting the other.
Dietary fat, blood cholesterol and uric acid levels during Ramadan fasting
A review of research articles on Ramadan fasting indicated that fasting can serve as an excellent research model for metabolic and behavioral studies. Conflicting results were observed regarding the effect of dietary fat on blood cholesterol and uric acid levels, which may be due to lack or insufficient consideration of (a) the body-weights of the subjects, and (b) energy intake levels in relation to the requirements. Further, researchers noted that the general guide-line for energy intake through fat - not more than 30 percent of the total, may be appropriate for the general population but not during the Ramadan fasting period or other situations that involve restricted energy intake. Higher intake of fat-energy, around 36 percent of the total intake, which includes poly-unsaturated fat may prevent elevation of blood cholesterol and uric acid levels and allow better retention of protein in the body. These findings can be applicable among diverse racial, religious or gender groups. The
Dua Iftar
Iftar, refers to the evening meal for breaking the daily fast during the Islamic month of Ramadan
Dua on sighting the new moon of Ramadhan
The new moon of Ramadhan is special to Muslims. It announces the start of the holy month and the beginning of the blessings and mercy associated with Ramadhan. According to the Holy Prophet (s) whoever sees the new moon of Ramadhan should recite the following Du'a.*
Surat ar Roum The Romans
One of the important topics discussed in Sura ar¬Rum is the proof of the Creator present in the many wonders of creation around us.- Chapter 30
In order to unite the Muslims and to defend the boundaries of Islam it is necessary to clear the misunderstandings regarding these differences. In sorting out these issues we have been ordered to confine ourselves within some limits.
The Sufferings of Imam Ali after the Prophets demise: The battle of Nahravan
The Prophet in his period of twenty three years of his Prophetic Mission had always told me that a day shall come when some of my followers who fast and during in the night read The Holy Quran will stand against me, and I should being a war with them because they will be like a free arrow which goes opposite from the real religion….
Imam Ali’s Internal Policy (Part 1)
ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT AIMS OF ISLAM was to restrain the strong from oppressing the weak, and to put an end to exploitation in all its forms. When Ali took charge of the caliphate, he dismissed the governors who had been appointed by Uthman.