Imam Reza
All Stories
Diet during Ramadan
It is a globally recognized and foremost part of dietary guidelines that eating a variety of food using principles of moderation and balance. This is particularly true during the Islamic month of Ramadan when Muslims fast from dawn to sunset. To be healthy, one must consume food from the major food groups: bread and cereal, milk and dairy product, meat and bean, vegetable and fruit. During the month long fast of Ramadan the metabolic rate of a fasting person slows down and other regulatory mechanisms start functioning. Body and dietary fat is efficiently utilized. Consuming total food intake that is less than the total food intake during normal days is sufficient to maintain a person's health. Intake of fruits after a meal is strongly suggested. A balanced diet improves blood cholesterol profile, reduces gastric acidity, prevents constipation and other digestive problems, and contributes to an active and healthy life style. (Int. J. Ramadan Fasting Research, 3:1-6, 1999)
Introduction and history of inlay art
Handicrafts of Iran: inlay industry, is one of the fine arts and has very ancient roots. This art also, just like other arts and crafts of Iran, is the beautiful and valuable sample of Iranian art and talent.
On The Sources of the Story of Cain & Abel in the Qur"an
The Reverend W. St. Clair Tisdall in his book The Original Sources of the Qur"an wanted to show that Muhammad (P) "constructed" Islam from several sources: Judaism, Christianity, Sabeanism, Zoroastrianism, paganism, etc.
Did Al-Hajjaj Change The Qur'an?
M S M Saifullah, Muhammad Ghoniem & Abu Ammar Yasir Qadhi
Al-Qasas (Stories)
The Surah takes its name from verse 25 in which the word Al-Qasas occurs. Lexically qasas means to relate events in their proper sequence. Thus from the view- point of the meaning too this word can be a suitable title for this Surah for in it the detailed story of the Prophet Moses has been related.
The Doctrine of Mahdiism and its Impact
The most authoritative collections of Shi`ite hadiths
The most famous and authoritative collections of Shi'ite hadiths are four works which, in terms of their importance for Shi'ism, correspond to the Six Correct Collections in Sunni Islam.
Searching for scientific facts in the Qur'an
Islamization of knowledge or a new form of scientism?