Imam Reza
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The Imam of Mankind
"Verily, I make you the Imam for mankind..." (Holy Qur"an 2:124)
Ameerul Momenin (A.S) In Qur’an
Surah al Fatiha (The Opening) 1. Verse 6: "Keep us on the straight path (siratul mustaqeem)"
Mental Health in the IIIumination of Nahjul-balagha
Thanks God who bestowed us the intellect and named us human who is the outcome of life; therefore, their mental and physical health is our collective great responsibility. The exalted God states the human creation, and then granting generosity to them in Koran. God created them as divine creatures and descended the Fetra" verse, accordingly. Hereby we are to become familiar with concepts of normality and health.
Criteria of Rightful and Unlawful Leadership (Part 2)
According to Imam Ali (A.S): “Know this for sure that the most merited person in view of God is the just Imam and leader who himself has been guided and who guides others. He is loyal to the recognized traditions and avoids innovations and heresy. The traditions are clear and they have signs and symbols, so are the innovations.
Kaffārah of Fast
To Break One's Fast by a Ḥarām Act A person who breaks his fast by a ḥarām act should fast for sixty days or feed sixty poor persons. It is a mustaḥabb caution to do both.
Ethical Teachings of the Qur’an (Part 1)
A-VALUES The real goal of man, according to the Qur'an, is the assimilation of divine attributes. These attributes, as also shown in the same chapter, can be summarized as life, eternity, unity, power, truth, beauty, justice, love, and goodness.
The Collection of the Qur'an
The manner in which the Qur'an was collected is among the issues that have been used by those who maintain the belief in tahrif (alteration) to prove that there has been tahrif [in the sense of the corruption of the text] as well as taghyir (change) in the Qur'an, and that the very manner of the Qur'an's collection would, in the normal course of events, involve this corruption and change in it.
Lessons on Interpretation of the Hamd Surah
There is a class of people who have accomplished this: they have migrated in this way; and attained their goal (although in another sense their migration is continuing), and it had become incumbent upon God to reward them. There are others who have migrated but not yet reached the goal of being “overtaken by death.”
What God wants us to do?
People believe on God, People must understand.
Surah al-Fatihah: Interpretation of the last three verses (part 7)
Sirat alladhina an‘amta ‘alayhim ghayri’l-maghdubi ‘alayhim wa lad-dallin” {The path of those whom You have blessed””such as have not incurred Your wrath, nor are astray}