Imam Reza
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Revelation of the Qur"an in Seven Ahrûf M S M Saifullah
It is a well-known fact that there are seven different ahrûf in which the Qur"an was revealed. In the Islamic tradition, this basis can be traced back to a number of hadith concerning the revelation of the Qur"an in seven ahrûf (singular harf).
Sudden Changes in Person & Number: Neal Robinson on Iltifât
The following material on iltifât is taken from Neal Robinson's book Discovering the Qur'an: A Contemporary Approach to a Veiled Text (1996, SCM Press Ltd.). The chapter is The Dynamics of the Qur'anic Discourse, [pp. 245-252].
Ibn Khaldun and the Traditions about the Mahdi
Imam-e-Zaman (A.S.) in the Mirror of Dua-e-Nudbeh (Part 1)
Dua’ means ‘to call or to seek help’. ‘Nudbeh’ means to cry or wail
His Studies (Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi)
Sayyid Husayn Burujirdi
The Spiritual Worth of Man and Woman
The holy Qur"an perceives man and woman - with regards to their presence before God and with respect to achieving spiritual ranks under similar conditions - to be equal and refuses to consider the dissimilarity in their sexes and the difference in the structure of their bodies, which consequently manifest in the difference in their social responsibilities, as being indicative of a difference in them with regards to the achievement of human perfection; rather, in this regard, it considers them to be at par with one another and hence mentions them together.
Al-Ghadir in the Qur’an (Part 1)
The Holy Qur’an states: “This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion” (Surat Al-Ma’idah, Verse 3)
The Holy Quran, the Eternal Miracle
The Holy Quran is a miracle. In this article we present some reasons about it from The Holy Quran.