Imam Reza
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A Review on Destroying the Graves by Wahhabism & ISIS
Amongst the matters about which the Wahhabis are most sensitive is the matter of renovation of graves and construction over the graves of Prophets, Imams and the pious ones.
Necessity for Imam's Isma, a Theological Question
An Imam is not an ordinary leader who simply has to rule a country and protect its borders; rather, in addition to this duty, he has other weighty responsibilities, alluded to above.
Remembering Allah Goes Beyond Repeating His Name
A believer’s heart should always be filled with the remembrance of Allah. Forgetfulness and negligence are the main weaknesses of human beings. The only remedy is that the believer should develop God-consciousness and be constantly aware that Almighty Allah watches him.
The Event or Eid al-Mubahalah
In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful.O Allah! Send your blessings to the chief of Your Messengers and the Last of Your Prophets, Muhammad (S), and his pure and cleansed progeny.
Prophethood by Sheikh Mohammad aal Yasin
We send the apostles only to give good news and to warn: so those who believe and mend (their lives),- upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve
Abdul Azim al Hassani (A.S)’s Biography
His prosperous birth was in 173(Lunar Hegira) in the sacred city of Medina and his 79 fruitful years of life was simultaneous with the periods of four immaculate Imams i.e. Imam Mussa Kazem(A.S),Imam Reza(A.S),Imam Muhammad Taqi al-Javad (A.S) and Imam Ali un-Naqi al-Hadi(A.S).He enjoyed the holy presence of these Imams and narrated a lot of Hadiths from them.
The Insurance Day
The Social Insurance in Islam Taking care of the poor & provisions of their tangible, inward, as well as spiritual demands are mostly emphasized in the orders & recommendations of Islam Religion.
The Last Hours of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) returned from the Farewell Haj at the end of the month of Zilhaj of 10 A.H. After passing the one month of Muharram, he fell ill at the beginning of Safar 11 A.H.
Secrets behind the deep influence and rapid development of Islam
What are secrets behind the deep influence and rapid development of Islam?
Marriage Made in Heaven
“Marriage is part of my Sunnah and whoever disregards (my Sunnah) is not from us.”