Imam Reza
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Muhammad (S.A.W.) The Most Influential Person in History
From the 100, a ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History : By Michael H. Hart.
Thematic Approach to Qur'anic Exegesis
There is no doubt that there are various types of exegesis and different schools founded on their basis. Most often they diverge in approach and the aspect emphasized.
Sudden Changes in Person & Number: Neal Robinson on Iltifât
The following material on iltifât is taken from Neal Robinson's book Discovering the Qur'an: A Contemporary Approach to a Veiled Text (1996, SCM Press Ltd.). The chapter is The Dynamics of the Qur'anic Discourse, [pp. 245-252].
Zawahir al-Qur'an: The Authority of the Book's Literal Meanings
Two terms need to be understood in regard to the Qur'anic meaniing: nusus (sing.nas) andzawahir (sing.zahir).By nususis meant those Qur'anic texts which are absolutely clear, being of a single meaning, about which there is no ambiguity whatsoever.
Grammatical Errors in the Qur'an
Mr. P. Newton with Mr. Rafiqul-Haqq has written an article titled: "Grammatical Errors in the Qur'an" (1) . He writes: "Muslims claim the Qur'an not just to be a human literary masterpiece, but a divine literary miracle. But this claim does not square with the facts. For the Qur'an, which we have in our hands contains obvious grammatical errors which is plain to see for all who know Arabic".
Is the Quran Only For Arabs?
The Noble Quran was sent to both the Arabs and to Mankind. There are Verses in the Noble Quran where Allah Almighty explicitly talks to the Arabs and for the Arabs, and there are Noble Verses in the Noble Quran where Allah Almighty talks to Mankind and for Mankind.
Ha-Mim (Worship-Bowing Down on one's knees)
The name of this Surah is composed of two words, Ha-Mim and As-Sajdah, which implies that it is a Surah which begins with Ha-Mim and in which a verse requiring the performance of sajdah (prostration) has occurred.
Lady Narguess Journey to Iraq
Imam Zaman (A.S): The Last Luminary (part 3)
Dialogue between East and West
The phrase, dialogue among civilizations and cultures, which should be interpreted as conversing with other civilizations and cultures, is based upon such a definition of truth, and this definition is not necessarily at odds with the well-known definitions of truth that one finds in philosophical texts.