Imam Reza
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Nisaa (women)
This Surah comprises several discourses which were revealed on different occasions during the period ranging probably between the end of A. H. 3 and the end of A. H. 4 or the beginning of A. H. 5.
Imam Zaman (A.S): The Last Luminary (part 3)
Terminology of the Mahdiism Doctrine
Some religious or philosophical concepts are pivotal, and are interpreted in a particular way as Doctrine. For instance, 'Dukkha' ("Suffering" or "sorrow") in Buddhism is so important that is called 'the Doctrine of Dukkha or the Doctrine of Buddha'; or 'Maya' ("imaginary world") is a fundamental concept in Hindu phi¬losophy, which construes as 'the Doctrine of Maya'.6
Leader's Statements in a Meeting with Workers and Teachers - Apr 29, 1998
The following text is a summary of the statements made by Grand Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei, in a meeting with a group of workers and teachers on April 29, 1998. The meeting was held on the eve of the Workers Day, May 1, and the Teachers Day, May 2.
The Interior Life in Islam
O thou soul which are at peace, return unto thy Lord, with gladness that is thine in Him and His in thee. Enter thou among My slaves. Enter thou My Paradise." (Quran - LXXXIX; 27-30 trans. by M. Lings.)
Equal status and worth of the gender in quranic society
The first of these characteristics of a Qur'anic society which affect women is that both sexes are held to be equal in status and worth.
Finding Happiness! As Easy as One Plus One (Part 2)
“Where did you learn all this?” I asked. “Is there a book I should read?” As if anything could be so easy.
Finding Happiness! As Easy as One Plus One (Part 1)
Love Gift-Wrapped (Part 1)
If you love someone there are many days to remember. However, people think it is very important not to forget birthdays, anniversaries or Valentine’s Day. Our expressions of love are often expected to take on the form of a present, flowers or something tangible and without such things, our love is considered to be lacking. But really, how important is it that we focus the meaning of love onto specific days and onto material items that ultimately fade and die away?
My Family"s Right Hand: Righteous Son or Daughter (Part 2)
Suppose that you"re still living with your parents and at the same time working to build your future. You need to help them financially, even if they insist that you keep your money for yourself or save it for the future or for the expenses of marriage.