Imam Reza
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Zaynab Soghra or Umme Kulthum
Imam Ali (pbuh) had two daughters called Zaynab whose mother was Lady Fatima (pbuh), the honorable daughter of the Prophet.
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Recommendations to Abuzar (Part 2)
Some of most valuable and precious traditions handed down from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are the ones given to Abuzar. Due to their importance and fruitfulness, they are known as Abuzar traditions. Some of them are given below
His Last Testament SERMON 149
Before His Martyrdom (May Peace be Upon him)
Imam Ali in the eyes of Non-Muslims
"Ali was so popular even among the non-Muslims that when he died,
Points of wisdom from Bab Madina-tul Ilm
Seal of Messengers Prophet Muhammad b. Abdollah (s)’s seventh infallible descendant Al-Imam Musa b. Jafar Al-Kazem (s)
Ali’s Attraction: Secrets and Causes (Part 2)
Sauda Hamdani is a lady fond of Ali. She in presence of Mo’awiyah paid salutation to Ali and described his merits: "Blessed is the soul who has been hurried and with him justice has been buried.
What Happens After Death? Life in the Grave
In his will to Imam Hasan (peace be upon him), Imam Ali (peace be upon him) said, “My son, know that you have been created for the next world and not for this world, and for annihilation and not for stay, for death and not for life; you are in a transient place, a place which is a path to the Hereafter… You are driving away a death from which no one can run away and which none of its seekers can miss. It has to be experienced, so beware lest it catches up with you while you are in a bad state.” (Nahjul Balagha, Letter 31)
Lessons on Interpretation of the Hamd Surah
There is a class of people who have accomplished this: they have migrated in this way; and attained their goal (although in another sense their migration is continuing), and it had become incumbent upon God to reward them. There are others who have migrated but not yet reached the goal of being “overtaken by death.”
Interpretation of Surah AL Shams (The Sun): part 7
In the next verse it said: this nation was least bothered to pay any heed to the words of this great prophet and his warnings and denied him and killed the she-camel
Tafsir Surah Al-Ma"arij (The Ways of Ascent) part 4