Imam Reza
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Karbala, Powerful Messages to Humanity
When Imam Hussein and his 72 faithful companions were in Kerbala standing up against the soldiers of Yazid, the tyrannical ruler and usurper of the mantle of Khilafah, they were sending powerful messages to mankind.
The young companions of Imam Hossain(as)
Aun and Muhammad were the sons of Bibi Zainab, and they were quite young, aged ten (10) and nine (9) years respectively. They had learnt the art of fencing from their uncle, Abbas the brave.
Qasim Ibn Hassan, The Adolescent Warrior Who Sacrificed His Life in Defense of Religion
Among the famed warriors of Imam Hussein (A.S) whose names would remain alive till the end of the world is the son of our second Imam Hassan (A.S), Qasim Ibn Hassan. According to traditions he had not even reached the age of maturity. As regards his age, most reports say that he was hardly thirteen years old.
Imam Ali(A.S) Biography
the 13th of the month of Rajab, twenty-three years before the migration of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) a child was born in the family of Abu Talib, the light of whom kindled the whole World.
The Great Virtues of Imam Ali (Part 3)
"O Kumail, no doubt these hearts (i.e. minds) are containers, and the best of them are those who retain most.
The Collection of the Qur'an
The manner in which the Qur'an was collected is among the issues that have been used by those who maintain the belief in tahrif (alteration) to prove that there has been tahrif [in the sense of the corruption of the text] as well as taghyir (change) in the Qur'an, and that the very manner of the Qur'an's collection would, in the normal course of events, involve this corruption and change in it.
People Awaited the Appearance of the Mahdi
The Book on Virtue of Knowledge (17)