Imam Reza
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Bahraini Father Demands Access to Medical Care for His Jaild Son
The father of Bahraini detainee Osama Al-Saghir has appealed to the authorities at the Dry Dock Detention Center to allow his son access to desperately needed medical care. The father of the Bahraini detainee demands that his son be given access to medical care
Every Father Should Try Educating His Child
It is your child's right on you that you should know that he is from you and will be ascribed to you through both his good and his evil in the immediate affairs of this world.
Qaḍā’ Fast
Qaḍā’ Fast of One's Father If the older son knows that his father has missed some fasts but does not know wether or not he performed its qaḍā’, he should make up for it.
Qaḍā’ Prayers
Order in Qaḍā’ Prayers In performing qaḍā’ of the missed prayers, it is not necessary to observe the order, yet one should say noon prayer before afternoon prayer of the same day. The same rule is applied to maghrib and ‘ishā’ prayers.
Imam Al-Mahdi Al-Muntadhar (a.s) (part 1)
The promised Mahdi, who is usually mentioned by his title of Imam-i 'Asr (the Imam of the "Period") and Sahib al-Zaman (the Lord of the Age), is the son of the eleventh Imam.
The Importance of father
The father is an integral part of the family. Traditional family values have always maintained this and few would doubt that a father figure is a positive thing for children.
Some Prophet and Ahl-ul-Bayt's Sayings about parents
All religions and all societies have given parents an honorable status. The parent-child code of behavior in Islam is unique, since rules were laid down by divine command. The Qur'anic commandments, as well as the sayings of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) guide us in this matter.