Imam Reza
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Separate Family System: Its Advantages and Disadvantages
The Separate Family System does not suffer from the disadvantages mentioned of Joint Family System, nor does it have its advantages.
The Family
Hadeth from Imam Sajad(a)
Imam Sajad his name Ali Ben Hussein (a).
AL- MUJADALAH (The pleading woman)
This Surah is entitled Al Mujadalah as well as Al Mujadilah, the title being derived from the word tujadiluka of the very first verse. As at the outset mention has been made of the woman who pleaded with the Holy Prophet (upon whom be Allah's peace) the case of zihar pronounced by her husband and urged him to suggest a way out of the difficult situation in order to save her and, her children's life from ruin, and Allah has described her pleading by the word "mujadalah", the Surah came to be known by this very title. If it is read as "mujadalah",it would mean "pleading and arguing", and if it is read as "mujadilah", it would mean "the woman who pleaded and argued."
The Mahdi from among the Descendants of the Prophet
Such hadith-reports are abundant. The main idea that runs through all of them suggests that the topic about the future coming of the Mahdi and Qa’im during the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) was well known.
Respect towards Parents
Professor Ansarian: You are not allowed to disrespect your parents and avoid observing their rights even if they are pagan, polytheist and infidel.
What did martyr Hojaji's wife request from Ayatollah Khamenei?
Ayatollah Khamenei's friendly talk with the families of Sacred Defense Martyrs
Islamic leader's meeting with the family of martyr Hojaji
Martyr Hojaji endeared himself, nation through sincere Jihad
The Spiritual Worth of Man and Woman
The holy Qur"an perceives man and woman - with regards to their presence before God and with respect to achieving spiritual ranks under similar conditions - to be equal and refuses to consider the dissimilarity in their sexes and the difference in the structure of their bodies, which consequently manifest in the difference in their social responsibilities, as being indicative of a difference in them with regards to the achievement of human perfection; rather, in this regard, it considers them to be at par with one another and hence mentions them together.