Imam Reza
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Revelation does not replace Human Reason
A common and dangerous misconception is that Revelation (Al-Wahy) is here in order to push man’s reason (Al-`Aql) out of the arena.
Protection of Qur'an from any Alteration
The transmission of the Qur'an, from the day of its revelation up to the present day, is flawless. The chapters and verses have been in constant use amongst Muslims and have been passed on perfectly intact from one generation to the other.
A Commentary on the Hamd Surah (part 8)
Do know that “praising” is for a “favor”. From the noble verse, it is deduced that praising and extolment are confirmed for the state of the Greatest Name as the all-embracing Name, which has the state of being the Lord of the worlds, “the Beneficent,” “the Merciful” and “the Master of the Day of Judgment.” So, these noble Names, i.e. “Rabb,” “Rahman” and “Malik” should have an effective role in the praising.
Surah al-Fatihah: Interpretation of Bismillahi’r-rahmani’r-rahim (part 1)
Bismillahi’r-rahmani’r-rahim {In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful}
Tafsir Surah Abasa (part 2)
The another fact is that to get engaged with the rich people and to be inattentive to the poor and truth seekers is not suited to the morality of the prophet peace be upon him which is mentioned in the ayat 4 of Sura e Nun.
Authenticity of the Qur’an: Another Approach
It must be stressed that the Qur’an is accurate about many, many things, but accuracy does not necessarily mean that a book is a divine revelation.
Tafsir Surah Abasa (part 1)
The Surah is so designated after the word `abasa with which it opens. This Surah has 42 verses and resides between pages 585 to 585 in the Quran.
Collection of Revelation during the Prophet's Lifetime
During his last pilgrimage, at the sermon which he gave to the large gathering of Muslims, the Prophet said: 'I have left with you something which if you will hold fast to it you will never fall into error- a plain indication, the book of God and the practice of his prophet. [Ibn Hisham, p. 651.]
Al-'ASR (Eventide)
The Surah takes its name from the wordal-'asr occurring in the first verse.
Al-Qari'ah (The Stunning [Blow])
The Surah takes its name from its first wordal- qari'ah. This is not only a name but also the title of its subject matter, for the Surah is devoted to Resurrection.