Imam Reza
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Who is Zahra?
In Commemoration of Martyrdom of Imam Sajjad + Books
Imam Ali b. al-Husayn al-Sajjad (a.s) is the fourth Imam. His father was Imam al-Husayn b. Ali (a.s) and his mother was a noble Persian known as Shahrbanu. Imam Ali b. al-Husayn al-Sajjad (a.s) was born on the 5th of Shaban in the year 38 A.H.
Book Published: "The Rights of Believers in the Viewpoint of "Muhammad"
The English translation of the book "The Rights of Believers from the Viewpoint of Muhammad (PBUH), the Seal of Prophets" was published in the United States.
Sheikh Mufid and Imam Sajjad part 3
Farazdaq the famous poet was standing right there. He composed a Qaseeda in praise of the Imam to introduce him to the Heir apparent of the throne. He said, "He is who that the whole Makka knows him, every stone in the Ka'aba knows him. He is the son of the grand son of Fatima and Ali and of the Holy Prophet. Hisham, in his arrogance of power, imprisoned the poet who died in prison some years later.
Parenting the Islamic Way
“And invest my descendants with righteousness (46:15).”The Holy Prophet (SA) said, “The right of a child over his parent is that he should give him a good name, make his manners good, and teach him the Qur’an.”
Ziarat of Hazrat Abbas (as)
Ziarat of Hazrat Abbas (as) Greetings of Allah, and greetings of His favourite angels, His commissioned Prophets, His pious servants, all martyrs, and truthfuls, and also true blessings, giving you joy and confidence, be on you, O the son of the Ameer ul Moomineen.
Imam Al-Mahdi: The Awaited Hope for Humanity (part 2)
“The world will not come to an end until a man from the descendants of Husayn takes charge of the affairs of the world and fills it with justice and equity as it is filled with injustice and tyranny.”
Imam Al-Mahdi: The Awaited Hope for Humanity (part 1)
Virtues of Hazrat Khadijah (Part 1)
The great lady of Islam passed away in the 10th Hejira year at the age of 65. She supported the Prophet (PBUH) in his mission for 25 years sacrificing her life and wealth. Her death was a great loss to the Prophet (PBUH). Her sorrowful death happened three days after the death of Abu Talib, the great and affectionate supporter of the Prophet (PBUH). The two deaths made the Prophet (PBUH) so sorrowful that he named that year, i.e. 10th Hegira year, the “year of grief”. The grieving and crying Prophet (PBUH) buried the dead body of Khadijah in a place known as Hujun.