Imam Reza
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Principle of Equality
The Prophet thus considered himself equal in all affairs, and behaved without any privilege over others. Among the criterion of equality in the behaviour and practice of the holy Prophet is equality in the face of law. According to Imam Khomeini (R.A):
Reflections on Munajat Sha'baniyyah (4)
Reflecting on this prayer and other prayers, a question may arise: why is it that most of the time the end results are asked from God
Niyyat for Fasting
1559. * It is not necessary for a person to pass the niyyat for fasting through his mind or to say that he would be fasting on the following day. In fact, it is sufficient for him to decide that in obedience to the command of Allah he will not perform from the time of Adhan for Fajr prayers up to Maghrib, any act which may invalidate the fast. And in order to ensure that he has been fasting throughout this time he should begin abstaining earlier than the Adhan for Fajr prayers, and continue to refrain for some time after sunset from acts which invalidate a fast.
Parenthood is hard. Motherhood is even harder
Parenthood is hard. Motherhood is even harder. No amount of mental preparation helps you to deal with the actual physical and emotional investment your child will demand from you. As days turn into weeks, months and years, it starts to sink in that a ‘lifetime’ commitment is literally that – for life.
Hire Prayer
Congregational Prayer
Individual Prayer beside Congregational Prayer It is not permissible to pray individually when there is a congregational prayer if this act is seen as something which weakens the congregational prayer or leads to disrespect towards its imam or is insulting to him who is considered just the by people.
Qaḍā’ Prayers
Order in Qaḍā’ Prayers In performing qaḍā’ of the missed prayers, it is not necessary to observe the order, yet one should say noon prayer before afternoon prayer of the same day. The same rule is applied to maghrib and ‘ishā’ prayers.
There is no prayer without the Opening of the Book (fatihah al-kitab)
After the recital of Takbirah al-Ihram, Surah al-Fatihah is to be recited and if this surah is not recited in the prayer, the prayer is invalid. “There is no prayer without the Opening of the Book {fatihah al-kitab}.”(1)
Tafsir Surah Al-Ma"arij (The Ways of Ascent) part 4
Islam and Medicine (Part 1)
lslam is the religion of all times and places. It is a perfect system of temporal values. By practicing its laws Muslims all over the world not only attain spirituality but the pinnacle of all other glories and gain the wealth of health.