Imam Reza
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Principle of Confronting Oppressors
All through his 23-year divine mission, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) insisted on his mission, which was confronting aggression, tyranny, crime and oppression
Revelation of the Qur"an in Seven Ahrûf M S M Saifullah
It is a well-known fact that there are seven different ahrûf in which the Qur"an was revealed. In the Islamic tradition, this basis can be traced back to a number of hadith concerning the revelation of the Qur"an in seven ahrûf (singular harf).
This Surah is calledNun as well asAl-Qalam, the words with which it begins.
Ma'ida (The Table)
This Sarah takes its' name from verse 112 in which the word Mai'dah occurs. Like the names of many other surahs this name has no special relation to the subject of the Surah but has been used merely as a symbol to distinguish it from other surahs.
Ibrahim (Abraham)
The Surah takes its name from v. 35 in which mention has been made of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham). But it does not mean that it contains the life story of Prophet Abraham. The name is merely a symbol lid the names of many other surahs i. e. the Surah in which Abraham's mention has been made.
Bani Israel (Children of Israel/The night journey)
This Surah takes its name (Bani Israil) from v. 4. But this name is merely a distinctive appellation like the names of many other surhas and not a descriptive title and does not mean that "Bani Isra'il" is the theme of this Surah
The Prophet (PBUH) reminded his people that he too was human
One of the fundamental characteristics of unbelievers is their arrogance. It is that which has led them to refuse to obey the messengers of Allah, and to resort to excuses in order not to do so. One such excuse was that they would only obey these messengers if they were more than human.
The Prophet (PBUH) practiced only that which was revealed to him
One of the most important characteristics, frequently mentioned with regards to the Prophet (saas) in the Qur"an, is that he only practiced what Allah revealed and asked of him, with no concern about what others might think.