Imam Reza
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Why Polygamy is Allowed in Islam?
Islam has allowed a man to marry more than one wife. This has been done for the purpose of solving many social and domestic problems which a family is confronted with from time to time. Many are the times when the general welfare of both man and woman depends upon the husband marrying another wife.
Law and Morality in Qurʾan Islam’s Most Sacred Book
For over a millennium, the Qurʾan has functioned as the ultimate source of authority for Muslims across the world. This authority is not particular to matters of worship; rather, it extends to how Muslims eat, drink, marry, conduct business, and govern their behavior in social settings.
What is The Effect of Hardship on The Human Being?
Islamic scholar, Mortaza Motahhari (RA) wrote: According to the law of creation, many accomplishments cannot be attained except by facing and fighting hardships and calamities.
Genocide Charges against Myanmar Generals in Rohingya
A United Nations report called Monday for Myanmar’s military leaders, including the commander in chief, to be investigated and prosecuted for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes over their actions in ethnic and religious minority states — the strongest international condemnation yet of the military’s actions following a crackdown on Rohingya Muslims last August.
Hezbollah Sees Combating Corruption a Priority for Lebanon
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah sounded alarm on Wednesday over Lebanon’s financial and social situation, stressing that Hezbollah considers combating corruption a priority in the upcoming period which follows the parliamentary elections.
Cloning in the Qur'an and Tradition
Islamic Perspectives on Human Cloning Dr. Abdulaziz Sachedina In the present article I will attempt to summarize a wide range of opinions that have emerged among the scholars of Islamic law and theology in its Sunni and Shi'i formulations in the wake of the cloning technology that produced Dolly the sheep.
Debt & Loan
Debt Self-compensation If the debtor denies the debt owed or avoids payment without any excuse, the lender has the right to recover his debt from the debtor’s property. Of course, if there is any law in this regard, it should be observed.
Rules of Taqlīd
To Learn the Islamic Law If one's negligence in learning religious rules leads to forsaking an obligation or committing a ḥarām action, he will be a sinner.
At-Talaqisnotonlythenameofthis Surahbutalsothetitleofitssubjectmatter,forit contains commandmentsaboutTalaq(divorce)itself. `Abdullahbin Mas'udhas describeditasSurah an-Nisa al-qusraalso,i.e.theshorter Surah an-Nisa.