Imam Reza
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Wuḍū’ Rules
Interpretation of Surah AL Shams (The Sun): part 6
The same way the moon, the earth’s day light and the night’s darkness and the earth sphere have an important role in the life of human beings and others for this reason the vows are pledged in their name.
Coupling in animates in view of Qur’an (Part 1)
The Qur’anic verses give prominence to the issue of marriage and coupling both in animate and human as well as in objects and examinates. The following text adopted from “The Islamic Family Instruction” by Hussein Ansaryan exemplifies and interprets this issue.
How was the creation of man according to the Qur’an? (Part 1)
The Qur’an has explained the creation of man and his origin using different words and phrases. Some verses say that the initial material man comes from is clay. Other verses say it is water, while a third group say it is sperm. Meanwhile a fourth group says it was both clay and sperm together.
The Mention of Water in the Holy Qur’an (Part 2)
The Mention of Water in the Holy Qur'an (Part 1)
When oxygen (0) and hydrogen (H) negative charge (OH-) atoms combine, they form a V-shaped, triangular molecule. While water molecules are electrically neutral, the oxygen atom holds a small negative charge and the two hydrogen atoms hold small positive charges. Scientists believe this unusual electrical balancing, called polarity, gives water some of its remarkable properties.
Camel: A useful animal in the Service of Mankind (Part 2)
Head sheltered from the sand; the eye lashes of the camel are designed like two separate combs clamping together. In case of danger, they are automatically closed. With this special design, even a single grain of sand is not let into the eye.
The Proportion of Rain
It is He Who sends down water in due measure from the sky by which We bring a dead land back to life. That is how you too will be raised [from the dead]. (Quran, 43:11)
Rains Which Bring a Dead Land Back To Life
… We send down from heaven pure water so that by it we can bring a dead land to life and give drink to many of the animals and people we created. (Quran, 25:48-49)
Surely Allah is the Creator and Nourisher
Winter in many parts of the world is extremely severe and the temperature is even below freezing levels. People live in warm houses and wear heavy coats outside. But what happens to the animals?