Imam Reza
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Diet during Ramadan
It is a globally recognized and foremost part of dietary guidelines that eating a variety of food using principles of moderation and balance. This is particularly true during the Islamic month of Ramadan when Muslims fast from dawn to sunset. To be healthy, one must consume food from the major food groups: bread and cereal, milk and dairy product, meat and bean, vegetable and fruit. During the month long fast of Ramadan the metabolic rate of a fasting person slows down and other regulatory mechanisms start functioning. Body and dietary fat is efficiently utilized. Consuming total food intake that is less than the total food intake during normal days is sufficient to maintain a person's health. Intake of fruits after a meal is strongly suggested. A balanced diet improves blood cholesterol profile, reduces gastric acidity, prevents constipation and other digestive problems, and contributes to an active and healthy life style. (Int. J. Ramadan Fasting Research, 3:1-6, 1999)
Fasting advantages
Fasting is one of the Islamic Laws. Knowing of the fast benefits and understanding its philosophy is not possible for human being. Human’s limited science can not reveal all of the secrets and thought can not solve all of the problems.
The Reality of Miracle: According to the Qur'an.
The Qur'an reasserts the occurrence of miracle an unusual preternatural phenomenon, which shows the authority of metaphysical forces over the physical and material world.
The Seas Not Mingling With One Another
He has let loose the two seas, converging together, with a barrier between them they do not break through. (Quran, 55:19-20)
Finding Happiness! As Easy as One Plus One (Part 1)
The Principles of General Health in Islam
Islam has adopted positively the principles of the general health to concentrate in the legislative fields. All of the precepts and laws of Islam yield the best fruits that preserve the physical health and guard against many diseases.
Reincarnation and physical resurrection
Positive Motive
One of the positive motives for using commodities and services is to meet one’s material needs that are necessary for continuation of human life. On this basis, God in order to remind people of His blessings states that human beings are provided with whatever they need to continue their living.