Imam Reza
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Black face, Pure Nature
This Article is divided into four parts, giving details about Bilal al-Habashi, the first the muezzin of Islam:
Imam Ali (AS): The Kaba of Belief
Certainly your Master (Wali) is Allah and His Prophet and those who believe, those who establish prayer and give charity while they bow (in prayer)." (Holy Qur’an 5:55)
Up on the shoulders of the Messenger of God…
One night, when the Prophet [pbuh] was at home with his wife Khadijah, he asked Imam Ali (as) to go to their house. Without any hesitation Imam obeyed his command and went there; it seemed that the Messenger of God was ready to go outside in the darkness of the night; but he didn’t say anything about his plans and he just said:” Ali! Be ready and do follow me, wherever I go.”
The Sufferings of Hazrat Ali (part3)
O lord of the believers! Now can you tell me how many times have you ever been put on trial yourself by God Almighty, either during Muhammad’s lifetime {may God grant him and his family Peace and Glory! }, or after his decease, and how shall be “your” end?”
Ali’s Virtues at Creation and Birth
Ali (A.S) was born on 13th of Rajab, thirty years after the year of the Elephant in Kaba. This virtue belongs only to him, for no one was ever born in Kaba except him neither in the past nor in the future.
The Ka’aba in mecca
In Sura Baqra described it clearly that Allah had ordained his servant Ibrahim to build the Shrine there for worship of One God.
What is the Great News in the Surah An-Naba (The Tidings)?
This Surah, The Tidings, was revealed in Mecca and has 40 verses. The word "Naba" means"tiding" or "the great news". This Surah takes its name from its second verse.
The Only Person Born in Holy Kaba
the 13th of the month of Rajab, twenty-three years before the migration of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) a child was born in the family of Abu Talib, the light of whom kindled the whole World. Kunaab Mecci narrates about his birth: "We and Abbas (Ibne Abdul Mutalib) were sitting together when suddenly we saw Fatima bint-e-Asad moving towards the Kaba in the condition having delivery pain and saying "Oh God I have faith in you and the Prophet (i.e., Abraham) who by your command laid the foundation of this house.
In Memory of Hazrat Khadijah (S.A)
Imam Ali (A.S) used to talk in memory of Hazrat Khadijah (S.A) on various occasions. He once referred to the Prophet (PBUH) defending Khadijah: “One day the Prophet (PBUH) cried in memory of Khadijah while he was among his wives. …” The Prophet also frequently said: Khadijah was the first woman to believe in me.