Imam Reza
All Stories
Rules of Ghusl
The Power of Knowledge
Yet there is one statement by Aristotle that every Muslim scholar would agree with: "The educated differ from the uneducated as much as the living from the dead."
Will and Funerals
No Jabīrah Ghusl to a Deceased Person As to a deceased person, there is no ghusl by jabīrah (bandage/patch). If it is impossible to give it a normal ghusl, it is given tayammum.
Qaḍā’ Fast
Qaḍā’ Fast of One's Father If the older son knows that his father has missed some fasts but does not know wether or not he performed its qaḍā’, he should make up for it.
Fast Invaldators
Gum's Blood If the blood from the gums dissolves in the saliva, then the saliva is pure and swallowing it does not invalidate the fast.
Rules of Fasting
Intention for Fast The time for intending fast of Ramadan month or a specific fast — due to a nadhr to be fulfilled on a specified day — is from the beginning of the night till fajr adhān and the time for a fast to be performed any time — like a missed fast or a nadhr one without specifying to perform it on a certain day — is from the beginning of the night till 'noon' of the next day.
Qaḍā’ Prayers
Order in Qaḍā’ Prayers In performing qaḍā’ of the missed prayers, it is not necessary to observe the order, yet one should say noon prayer before afternoon prayer of the same day. The same rule is applied to maghrib and ‘ishā’ prayers.
Rules of Tayammum
What to Wipe in Tayammum During tayammum, one should wipe their forehead with hand palms until the tips of the fingers. They should wipe the hands' dorsal until the tips of the fingers.
Tafsir Surah Al-Ma"arij (The Ways of Ascent) part 3
The Doctrine of Mahdiism and its Impact