Imam Reza
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Yemeni Army Hits Saudi Military Sites in Jizan,Asir by Zilzal-1 Missile
The Yemeni rocketry forces launched on Thursday a missile type Zilzal-1 on the Saudi army in Jizan region, a military source told SABA.
16 NGOs Call on Macron to Halt Arms Sales to Saudi & Emirates
16 Non-governmental Organizations sent on Wednesday an open letter to the French President Emmanuel Macron in which they called on him to stop the arms sales to Saudi and Emirates and condemn their crimes in Yemen.
US Coach Killed, Trainee Wounded In Saudi Helicopter Crash
An American trainer working with Saudi Arabia's National Guard has been killed in a helicopter crash in the capital Riyadh, Saudi state media says.
Protesters in Hadramout Tear Up Images of Saudi, UAE Leaders
Angry protesters ripped pictures of the leaders of countries of US-Saudi aggression in the city of Mukalla in Hadhramout to protest against the deteriorating Economic Conditions, calling the US-Saudi Alliance to leave the country.
Spain Stops Selling Arms, Bombs to Saudi Arabia
The Saudi-led coalition’s recent slaughter of Yemeni children has prompted the Spanish defense ministry to cancel a €9.2-million deal to sell Saudis 400 precision bombs.
Saudi Plans to Turn Qatar Peninsula into Island
A senior Saudi Arabian official apparently confirmed media reports that the government is considering the building of a canal that would turn the Qatar peninsula into an island.
Lavrov: Terror Tissues in Syria's Idlib Should Be Teared
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says the terrorist "abscess" in Syria's northwestern city of Idlib needs to be taken out before harming thousands of civilians who live there.
5,000 Saudi Women Divorced During a Month
A recent monthly report of the Saudi Justice Ministry revealed that there had been 10 thousand marriages in the past month of Shawwal, against more than 5 thousand divorce cases.
Bin Salman Urges To Ignore Reports of Saudi Crimes in Yemen
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has urged leaders of the aggression, that his country lead against Yemen, not to pay attention to persistent international criticism that blames the coalition of targeting civilians, Khaleej Online websitesaid.
Yemeni Army Hits Saudi Invaders in Najran, Jawf
Rocketry Force of the Yemeni Army and Popular Committees bombed Sunday morning a barrage of Katyusha rockets on the Saudi- led forces gathering off Najran and Jawf Killing, Injuring and Destroying Military Trucks and equipment's.