Imam Reza
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holy quran
Ant communication
The Qur'an indicates, when recounting Prophet Sulayman's (A.S) life, that ants have a communication system: hen, when they reached the Valley of the Ants, an ant said: "Ants! Enter your dwellings, so that Sulayman and his troops do not crush you unwittingly." (Qur'an, 27: 18)
If there are levels for heaven, are there levels for hell?
What is understood from Qur’anic verses and the ahadith is that, similar to heaven [1], hell has different levels, and sinners will be put into these levels depending on the number and type of their sins.
The Boundless Knowledge of God (part 3)
The Quran says: God is aware of all that exists on the face of the earth and in the depths of the oceans. He knows of every leaf that falls and every seed that is hidden in the darkness of the earth. All things, fresh and dry, are clear and evident to Him. (6:59)
The Boundless Knowledge of God (part 2)
A certain thinker once said, Our world resembles a great idea more than it does a great machine. As a theory or a scientific definition, it can be said that the world is the product of a great idea, the manifestation of a thought and an idea superior to our own.
From Where and For What I Came Here and Where I am Going?
These are the first questions, which are asked by the original nature of human being. These questions arise in everyone’s heart. What is the aim of our life? For what are we created? What is the way of our happiness? But most of the people have stifled this human nature. They have engaged in other things. Otherwise all seek happiness, by nature.
Alteration of Day and Night, scientific Signs in the Noble Qur’an for people of understanding
In the Noble Qur’an,wherever the word ‘Sign(s)’ is used it reveals that something is going to be known for the guidance of those who contemplate over the mysteries of contents in that verse.
How a man be so ignorant and ungrateful!
Man is created from a very small particle called sperm. It is so small and significant in size that it is said if we put together all the sperms that all the human on earth are made of, it would not fill up a tumbler.
Shall we restore to life after we have become crumbled bones?
The disbelievers, while in this world, say, ""How is it possible to become alive again after we have died? How could our bones restore to their original Form, after they have turned to dust?""
The Proportion of Rain
It is He Who sends down water in due measure from the sky by which We bring a dead land back to life. That is how you too will be raised [from the dead]. (Quran, 43:11)
2 Million Copies of Quran Printed in Iran in One Year
Some 2 million copies of the Quran were printed in Iran in the last Iranian calendar year, which ended on March 20, an official said.