Imam Reza
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islamic teachings
Imam Ali’s Advice to Malek in Selecting Officials
O, Malek, habituate your heart to mercy for the subjects and to affection and kindness for them. Don’t stand over them like greedy beasts who feel it is enough to devour them, since they are of two kinds, either your brother in religion or one like you in creation. …
Criteria of Rightful and Unlawful Leadership (Part 4)
True Leader and His Followers Regarding the relationship between the leader and his followers, Imam Ali (A.S) addressing some of his executives saying: “I have heard something about you. If it is correct and you have done something wrong as I have heard, you have indeed brought the wrath of your Lord, acted against the will of your leader and committed treason against our trust.”[i]
Criteria of Rightful and Unlawful Leadership (Part 3)
The core of rightful imamate and righteous leadership is to serve people and fulfill religious obligations, whereas the materialistic and despotic rulers tend to gain hegemony and their ultimate goal is materialism. “Do you expect me to gain victory by oppressing the people on whom I rule! Never, I swear by God! I will never behave like that as far as the world is on, as far as the stars glitter!”[i]
Criteria of Rightful and Unlawful Leadership (Part 2)
According to Imam Ali (A.S): “Know this for sure that the most merited person in view of God is the just Imam and leader who himself has been guided and who guides others. He is loyal to the recognized traditions and avoids innovations and heresy. The traditions are clear and they have signs and symbols, so are the innovations.
Criteria of Rightful and Unlawful Leadership (Part 1)
Leader-Follower Relationship with the Prophet (PBUH) According to Imam Ali (A.S) the legitimate Imam or the righteous leader is the enforcer of Allah’s order and he has no command or request of his own.
Baysonqor Quran - Iran
For over 1,400 years, Muslims have copied the verses of the Quran with beautiful calligraphy. The original Quranic scripts were written in Kufic. But as Islam spread its wings beyond the Arabian Peninsula, other written forms began to emerge such as the beautiful cursive style called “Muhaqqaq”. The Baysonqori Quran, which is written in the Muhaqqaq script, is one of the largest handwritten copies of the Quran.
Temet Nosce (Know Thyself)
Despite Satan’s deliberate disobedience and efforts to lead man astray, the scope of his influence is certainly limited. There are some who ‘rise above the influence’.
ʿIyādat al-Marīḍ, or “The Etiquette of Visiting the Sick” in Hadith-Narrations
“visiting the sick,” is an important Islamic moral commandment. It is the right of a Muslim, who is ill and bedridden, for other Muslims to make an effort to visit him and provide comfort.
“What do I have to present [to God]?”
In the holy Dua Abu Hamza, Hazrat [Ali] says to Allah the Exalted, ““Oh God, bestow Your mercy on me when my reasoning fails before You, when I cannot find my tongue to give You answers and when my mind makes a mistake when you ask me a question.”
The Concept of Seven Heavens
Islamic scholars and commentators have narrated some clarifications regarding ‘seven heavens’