Imam Reza
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muharram in kerbala
Kerbela Provides Ashura Pilgrims with 1500 Free Services
In the month of Muharram, many free-service booths are installed in the holy city of Kerbela to offer free services and free medical attention to Ashura pilgrims.
Who is Imam Husayn (As)?
The third Shiite Imam, Husayn, was the second son of Ali and Fatima . He was born in 626 AD. He was named in a ceremony similar to the one held for his elder brother Hasan in the presence of the Prophet Muhammad.
Imam Hussein (As)’S Revolution, Reasons & Motives
All those who are familiar with Imam Hussein's life do certainly realize that his role in serving Islam had started very early in his life.
Over 29000 Registered for Hussayni Processions in Iraq
The number of the registered Hussayni processions and bodies in the database of the Iraqi department has exceeded 29 thousand service and condolence processions from inside and outside Iraq
Qaris Registration to Participate in Arbaeen Pilgrimage
Iranian Quran reciters and Tawasheeh (religious songs) groups willing to join the Noor Convoy on Arbaeen pilgrimage can sign up for the pilgrimage.
A Historical Analysis of What Led to the Tragedy of Karbala
The Religion of Islam was presented to the world and human society Forthrightly; no problem, or issue, which was necessary for of society in order to prosper, was left unsolved by the time the Prophet passed away.
Who is Hussain in Ashura?
What is Ashura ?
Every day is Ashura and every land is Kerbala