Imam Reza
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quranic miracles
The Demand of the Qur'an for a Direct Confrontation
The Noble Qur'an was revealed in the Arabic language, one of the richest languages in the world from the point of view of firmness of structure and abundance of vocabulary.
Between Grammar and Rhetoric (Balâghah): A Look at Qur'ân 2:217
The Qur'anic verse 2:217 raises a problem which has been exercising the minds of Muslim scholars.
We believe that Allah, the Exalted, will revive all people after their death on a certain day which he has promised them, and that He will then reward the obedient and punish the wrong-doers.
Doctrine of Bodily Resurrection
This is one of the fundamentals of Islam, as it is said in the Qur'an: What! Does man reckon We shall not gather his bones. Yes, indeed, We are able to shape again his fingers. (75;4)
Ethical Teachings of the Qur’an (Part 2)
B Disvalues Corresponding to these values there are some disvalues which are symbolized in the Qur"an as Satan or Iblis. He is described as apersistent rebel [iv, 117] who is constantly engaged in deceiving [viii, 48] people and misleading them from the path of righteousness. [iv, 119] He sows the seeds of enmity and hatred, [v, 94] creates false desires, [iv, 120] commands what is shameful and wrong, [xxiv, 21] and defaces the fair nature created by God. [iv, 119] He is in short an enemy of mankind; [xxxv, 6; xxxvi, 6] and believers are, therefore, advised that they should beware of his machinations.
Ethical Teachings of the Qur’an (Part 1)
A-VALUES The real goal of man, according to the Qur'an, is the assimilation of divine attributes. These attributes, as also shown in the same chapter, can be summarized as life, eternity, unity, power, truth, beauty, justice, love, and goodness.
Tawhid is the belief that there is only one God.
His Supplication in Asking for Covering and Protection
His Supplication in Seeking Pardon and Mercy
His Supplication in Seeking Pardon and Mercy O God, bless Muhammad and his Household, break my passion for every unlawful thing, take away my craving for any sin, and bar me from harming any believer, male or female, and any Muslim, male or female!
His Supplication in Asking Pardon