Imam Reza
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quran interpretation
Lessons on Interpretation of the Hamd Surah
Last time I discussed the possibility that the expression “In the Name of God,” in every surah that it heads, is syntactically connected to the surah itself, or to the first part of its subject matter.
A Commentary on the Hamd Surah (part 14)
The point of changing from the third person to the second has become clear from the statements of this thesis.
A Commentary on the Hamd Surah (part 8)
Do know that “praising” is for a “favor”. From the noble verse, it is deduced that praising and extolment are confirmed for the state of the Greatest Name as the all-embracing Name, which has the state of being the Lord of the worlds, “the Beneficent,” “the Merciful” and “the Master of the Day of Judgment.” So, these noble Names, i.e. “Rabb,” “Rahman” and “Malik” should have an effective role in the praising.
A Commentary on the Hamd Surah (part 6)
Be aware that the holy words “All praise is for God”?
A Commentary on the Hamd Surah (part 4)
As we all know that the coiner who has coined “fire” he has thought of fire””the worldly fire and all. What made him think of such fire in fact was the ordinary fire, because he was lack acknowledge about “The fire kind led by God which rises above the Hereafter.
A Commentary on the Hamd Surah (part 3)
The knowledgeable have said that; “Beneficent and merciful have been taken from mercy and that both indicate hyperbole, but in Beneficent the exaggeration is much more than exaggeration in mercy.
A Commentary on the Hamd Surah (part 2)
The aim of observing prayer is, He said; to remember Him. After severe recalling another way of knowledge will be opened to the heart of the mystic and he will be attracted to the world of unity until the tongue of his heart utters “Praise is for God by God” and “You praise yourself” and “I refuge in you from This was a brief explanation of relation of the letter ba in bismillah and some details thereabout.
A Commentary on the Hamd Surah (part 1)
Concerning the Summary of the Verse Praise and Some Disciplines of Praising and Recitation
Interpretation of Surah AL Shams (The Sun): part 8
The first most cruel and the last most crue
Interpretation of Surah AL Shams (The Sun): part 7
In the next verse it said: this nation was least bothered to pay any heed to the words of this great prophet and his warnings and denied him and killed the she-camel