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Nahj al-Balaghah and It's Spiritual Teachings (10)
The Contradiction Between the World and the Hereafter The problem of the conflict between the world and the Hereafter and the contradiction between them as two opposite poles, such as the north and the south, which are such that proximity to the one means remoteness from the other-is related to the world of human heart, conscience, human attachment, love and worship.
Nahj al-Balaghah and It's Spiritual Teachings (9)
Zuhd, Spirituality, Love, and Worship Another fountainhead of zuhd and renunciation of hedonism is the aspiration to avail of spiritual bounties. Presently we do not intend to undertake any argument to the effect that man and the universe possess an undeniable spiritual aspect. It is another story by itself.
Nahj al-Balaghah and It's Spiritual Teachings (3)
Taqwa (Piety) Taqwa is one of the most frequent motifs of the Nahj al-balaghah. In fact, it would be hard to find another book that emphasizes this spiritual term to the extent of this book. Even in the Nahj al-balaghah, no other term or concept receives so much attention and stress as taqwa.
Nahj al-Balaghah and It's Spiritual Teachings (2)
Maw'izah and Khitabah (Exhortation and Oratory) Maw'izah also differs from khitabah (oratory, rhetoric). Although oratory also deals with emotions, but it seeks to stir and agitate them.
Nahj al-Balaghah and It's Spiritual Teachings (1)
Inimitable Moral Teaching Moral and spiritual teachings constitute the greater part of the Nahj al-balaghah making up almost half of the book. More than anything else, the fame of the Nahj al-balaghah is due to the sermons, exhortations, and aphorisms on ethical and moral subjects.
Some Traditions on the Virtues of Imam Ali (A.S) (part 2)
It is an undisputed fact that Imam Ali was the first man to embrace Islam after the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Below are some of the references
Some Traditions on the Virtues of Imam Ali (A.S) (part1)
It is narrated that: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: "He who wants to see Noah (A.S) in his determination, Adam (A.S) in his knowledge, Abraham (A.S) in his clemency, Moses (A.S) in his intelligence and Jesus (A.S) in his religious devotion should look at Ali Ibn Abi Talib (AS)."
The Value of Man from viewpoint of Imam Ali (A.S)
Imam Ali (A.S) said: ”The worth of a man is as much as his courage. His valor is due to his self-respect ...”
Examples of Imam Ali’s (A.S) Moral Virtues (part 6)
Recompense In the eighth year after Hijrah, Mecca was conquered by Allah’s Messenger. The House of Allah was purified from the filth of idols with Ali’s idol-breaking act.