Imam Reza
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The Main Point of Ayah 37 of Surah Qaaf
In his commentary (Tafseer) of Ayah 37 of Surah Qaaf, Ayatollah Hadavi Tehrani said: Allah (SWT) mentioned in this Ayah: “There truly is a reminder in this for whoever has a heart, whoever listens attentively.”
What is the Connection Between Gathering Too Much Wealth and Negligence?
If wealth is an aim for me, I will feel strong and powerful by attaining it, and because of this feeling it is possible that I become rebellious which usually will happen for middle classes.
Why aren’t Muslim Women Allowed to Marry Non-Muslims?
There is a consensus among almost all Islamic jurists according to which Muslim women are forbidden to marry non-Muslims. This is clearly stated in Surah Baqarah: “do not marry polytheistic men [to your women] until they believe. And a believing slave is better than a polytheist, even though he might please you” (2:221).
My Journey From Israeli Teachings to Islam
I did not have to be a Muslim. Maybe. I could have been a Hindu, worshipping 14,321 gods and goddesses, such as a goddess for my neighbor’s dog, another for the moon, and yet another for Evander Holyfield’s lost ear.
Is it Allowed to Teach and Play Chess?
The Grand Ayatollah Khamenei answered a question about chess.
Can Muslims Celebrate Halloween?
While we are waiting for Christmas to come, it seems impossible to ignore Halloween in the meantime. It is full of fun and excitement which is why it is so popular among many people around the world. But, have you ever thought about why you are celebrating this day? Or, as a Muslim is it compatible with your Islamic values? Let’s find out.
Zakat – Islamic Law
The following ruling was taken from Ayatollah Ali Sistani Islamic law database and remains in strict accordance with Islam legal code of practice.
What is Eid ul Adha?
The twelfth month of the Islamic calendar is called Dhul Hijjah. It is the month that contains one of the greatest pillars of Islam – Hajj or the major pilgrimage. It also contains one of only two Islamic reoccurring festivals, Eid ul Adha.
Who are the People of Ali? (3)
O people! The noor [light] from Allah, the Exalted One and the Sublime, flows through me then through Ali ibn Abu Talib then in the progeny that descends from him till al-Qa’imal-Mahdi, who shall effect the justice of Allah, and who will take back any right belonging to us because Allah, the Exalted and the Sublime, made us Hujjat over those who take us lightly, the stubborn ones, those who act contrarily to our word, who are treacherous, who are sinners, who are oppressors, who are usurpers, from the entire world.
Who are the People of Ali? (2)
Under Wahhabism most of the rights which are guaranteed by the Qur’an – strictly and specifically, have been denied and abused; especially in relation to women.