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Quran Studies
Int’l Quran Contest in Iran Names Winners
The winners of the second international Quran competition for Islamic theological college understudies were reported and granted at the end ceremony on Tuesday.
The Twin Messages of Quran
The Qur’an is the transcendent word of The Transcendent God-Creator and Sustainer of all things.
The Quran on the cerebrum
Allah said in the Quran about one of the evil unbelievers who forbade the prophet muhammad (pbuh) from praying at the ka'abah: Let him beware! If he does not stop, we will take him by the forelock (front of the head), a lying, and sinful forelock! [Quran 96:15-16]
Surah al-Insaan: The Family Who Fasted For Three Days
I want you to think of an act of charity or generosity that has inspired you, restored your faith in humanity, or moved you to help someone. What characterized that act of charity? What made it hit home for you?
Quranic Outlook Regarding the "Heart"
Perhaps I need not explain here that in the language of literature and mysticism the term heart does not mean the organ situated in the left side of the human body, which pumps blood into the blood vessels.
The Inimitability Of The Holy Quran
In addition to the scientific and historical points of view, the Qur"an also possesses an astounding, inimitable style from the literary perspective.
Scientific exegesis of the Qur'an—a viable project
A number of modern Muslim writers see the Qur'an as containing information or knowledge of a scientific nature. They have, accordingly, argued for the viability of what is called tafsir 'ilmi, or scientific exegesis of the Qur'an. This paper presents and analyzes the case for and the case against tafsir 'ilmi. The principal conclusion reached is that, while the case for such tafsir is, at present, rather weak, a credible tafsir 'ilmi may come into existence if it is authentically anchored in the larger Islamic tradition.
Relationship between Quran and the culture of the darkness era
Relationship between Quran and the culture of the darkness era is one of new matters in the area of studying Quran and is highly important because a logical and reasonable stand with this matter can reveal the secrets of the verses related to the beliefs and the customs of Arabic people in darkness era and help us to understand and interpret Quran better.
Wisdom in Quran
Wisdom is a means of gaining understanding and it is one of unique features of human that distinguishes them from other creatures.
Some Logical Fallacies Dealt With In the Qur'an
A widely held belief about the Qur'an is that it makes its basic appeal to emotions and not to reason. Among the advocates of this view were the Muslim philosophers of early centuries who used a theory of intellectual classes to support it.