Imam Reza
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Quran Studies
Why do we Dream? (part1)
‘God takes men"s souls at the time of their death, and the soul which does not die, He takes in sleep. Then He keeps the soul that is destined to die at that time and returns the others to life for a set period.’ (39:42)
Marital Success and Happiness (part2)
Marital Success and Happiness (part 1)
This is a compilation of knowledge and advice given by various great scholars and teachers, including one of the top students of Allama Tabatabai (the author of Al-Mizan), on the subject of marriage.
Finding Happiness! As Easy as One Plus One (Part 2)
“Where did you learn all this?” I asked. “Is there a book I should read?” As if anything could be so easy.
Finding Happiness! As Easy as One Plus One (Part 1)
Love Gift-Wrapped (Part 2)
Love is deep, meaningful and beautiful. It can never be compared to a commodity on display. However, small kindnesses, gestures and a listening ear can show the special person in your life how much you care.
Love Gift-Wrapped (Part 1)
If you love someone there are many days to remember. However, people think it is very important not to forget birthdays, anniversaries or Valentine’s Day. Our expressions of love are often expected to take on the form of a present, flowers or something tangible and without such things, our love is considered to be lacking. But really, how important is it that we focus the meaning of love onto specific days and onto material items that ultimately fade and die away?
My Family"s Right Hand: Righteous Son or Daughter (Part 2)
Suppose that you"re still living with your parents and at the same time working to build your future. You need to help them financially, even if they insist that you keep your money for yourself or save it for the future or for the expenses of marriage.
My Family"s Right Hand:Righteous Son or Daughter (Part 1)
You wake up in the morning, have your shower and breakfast, and run to your work or your class as quick as possible to arrive at the right time. You possibly will have a very busy day that might end up late, and then you'll either hang out with friends or return back home to have dinner and get some rest for the next day.
Negative Motive
From the Qur’anic point of view, it is censurable to merely think about worldly enjoyments and obtaining one’s materialistic needs. This is due to the fact that human status is more superior to just thinking about satisfying one’s carnal desires and attaining higher worldly positions or fame hampering the person from attaining spiritual perfection and moral virtues.