Imam Reza
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Quran Studies
No Reason to Be Shy! (Part 2)
Why Shyness? In fact, there are various reasons behind shyness. In many cases it starts from the childhood period, because of several causes, such as, parents over protection, which leads to a shy dependent young man or woman, who is not capable of expressing him or herself or facing any situation with courage.
No Reason to Be Shy! (Part 1)
The power of the youth in islam
Young people are known throughout history as being filled with great passion, a strong sense of justice, with all their nerves and feelings alive! This can be seen as similar to the state of the person who is 'in love'.
The Power of Love in islam
You and I have read stories and watched films about love. You know the usual scenario — man and woman meet, fall in love, surmount impossible obstacles, and then either live happily ever after or one of them dies and it becomes a tragedy. The story of life! We sit and munch on popcorn until the film finishes and then go home. Then what? As Muslim we have to think: Is the greatest love that which is shared by a man and woman, or is it the love of a human being for his/her Creator?
The Lofty Goals behind Marriage in Islam (part 4)
Establish the Loftiest Goal for Marriage
The Lofty Goals behind Marriage in Islam (part 3)
Striving for the Well-Being of the Household and Home
The Lofty Goals behind Marriage in Islam (part 2)
The Blooming of Talents
The Lofty Goals behind Marriage in Islam (part 1)
An Honorable Household
Importance of Early Marriage in Islam
The institution of marriage has been given tremendous importance in Islam.
The Principles of General Health in Islam
Islam has adopted positively the principles of the general health to concentrate in the legislative fields. All of the precepts and laws of Islam yield the best fruits that preserve the physical health and guard against many diseases.