One’s goal for marriage should be spiritual, holy and pure. One must marry in order to obey God’s order and the Prophets’ manner and to provide for the prosperity of his/her spouse as well as divinely raising children.
Both men and women should prepare themselves for engaging in a great act of worship when they marry. They should consider God’s approval of their union and they should realize that through their loin and uterus, they carry God’s loan. They must know that the child is only God’s trust which is the guest of the father’s loin for a short time and then is the guest of the mother’s uterus for nearly six to nine months. During this time, the child with no option absorbs his/her father’s characteristics and traits through a God-given property. It has been narrated that the Prophet (PBUH) would sometimes let pregnant women come and watch the wars against God’s enemies. They would witness the glorious scenes of the Holy War and sword-fighting in God’s way, and hear the warriors shouting divine slogans.
All this was for the development of the fetus in the uterus through what he/she heard and saw, and thus a well-bred, brave, ambitious child hearing divine sounds in the womb would develop.
Have you not heard that God ordered forty days of fasting for the Prophet (PBUH) before the formation of the existence of his daughter Fatimah (PBUH) in his loin? Then he ate heavenly foods for the meal on the last night of fasting. The sperm was then transferred to the mother’s womb.
Do not let your eyes be the judge for marriage. Do not let lust be the matchmaker for marriage. Do not let the goal for marriage be getting wealthy by either family. Do not let the goal of marriage be seeing a beautiful face or a deceiving look. It has been proven that if these are the goals for marriage, such marriages do not have a good ending and bear little or no fruit.
Let spirituality, God and worshipping Him, striving to respect your spouse’s rights, raising good children and attaining God’s pleasure be your goals in marriage so that it bears eternal fruits. Let lawful lust, consent and leisure be subject to these lofty and divine goals so that you can gain complete pleasure and rewards of the Hereafter, too. If two individuals are divinely joined, their marriage will last forever since divine marriage never ends in divorce. One who marries for God’s sake, wholeheartedly respects his/her spouse’s rights and does not impose the least harm upon the spouse.
It is a religiously lawful requirement to protect the spouse’s honor in front of the children and their relatives. And it is divinely forbidden to belittle one’s spouse. Muslim men and women must consider the marriage of the Commander of the Faithful (Imam Ali) and Hazrat Fatimah Zahra (PBUH) as their model. This lofty marriage, which was contracted for God’s sake, was based on heavenly goals and resulted in immaculate and divine offspring. The following verses have been interpreted to refer to this marriage in Shiite traditions:
He combined the two seas between which there is a distance. They do not exceed each other’s limits (mingle) and pearls and coral come from these two seas.” The Holy Quran (Surah 55, The Most Gracious, verses 19-23]
What is meant by the two seas is the Commander of the Faithful and Hazrat Fatimah Zahra being two seas of wisdom, patience, faith and insight. What is meant by distance is the Noble Prophet of Islam Muhammad (PBUH); and what is meant by pearls and coral are their offspring the Imams Hassan and Hussein (PBUH). [Nur al-Thaqalayn, v.5, p.191, tradition 19]
The family structure must be purely divine and Islamic so that it can attract and absorb God’s benevolence. If undesirable and ungodly customs, Satanic conditions or that part of the culture of the Age of Ignorance which the Prophet (PBUH) had ordered to be abolished be not avoided in marriage, then evil will appear in the marriage and this tree will bear sour fruits. The Prophet (PBUH) ordered: Everything should be abolished from the Age of Ignorance except the Islamic traditions. [Bihar al-Anwar, v.77, ch.6, p.128, tradition 32.]