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Imam Mahdi (A.S)
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Imam Al-Mahdi: The Awaited Hope for Humanity (part 1)
Moment by moment expectation due to the unpredictability of the time of rising
The Shea authorities narrated: Imam al-Sadiq (AS) said to his companions, "Be more hopeful on the things that you consider far-fetched than that which you presume very likely.
The sudden nature of the advent of al-Qa'im (AS)
The Shea and the Sunni traditionalists have narrated that the advent of Imam al-Mahdi (AS) will be rectified by Allah within just one night. In other words, its time is very unpredictable and depends on Allah's sudden choice of action and his advent will take place miraculously.
Some Ways for Waiving the Remaining Time of Occulation (Part 3)
Below are some of the things we can do to seek the pleasure of Allah and His Hujja (AS) so that Allah may decide to waive the remaining time of occultation.
Some Ways for Waiving the Remaining Time of Occulation (Part 2)
Below are some of the things we can do to seek the pleasure of Allah and His Hujja (AS) so that Allah may decide to waive the remaining time of occultation.
Some Ways for Waiving the Remaining Time of Occulation (Part 1)
Below are some of the things we can do to seek the pleasure of Allah and His Hujja (AS) so that Allah may decide to waive the remaining time of occultation. There are many traditions that support each item below, but here we only quote a few:
The Badaa and its significance (Part 2)
"Why had not there been a township (among those We decreed to destroy) whose people would accept faith so that their faith should have profited them, except for the People of Jonah (Yunus)?
The Badaa and its significance (Part 1)
There are many pieces of evidence in the Qur’an and the traditions expressing that Allah may change what He has already willed and He may initiate a new will. However, there is an exception for His Sunan and His promises that He has chosen not to change at all.
How can we become an expectant of al-Qa'im (AS)?
It is, now, clear that the problem of occultation is due to the ugly actions that we have committed, and that we have not submitted to the traditions of Ahl al-Bait (AS).
Will there be any confusion in Identifying al-Qa'im (AS)?
The occurrence of the signs indicates that the rising of al-Qa'im is about to take place. The question that may arise here is that, since the signs may change or may be cancelled, will there be any confusion for people to recognize Imam al-Mahdi (AS) once he starts his mission? Moreover, if there would be no confusion that he is the promised Mahdi (AS), why would then people oppose him?