Monday, March 5, 2018 8:57:20 PM
The Badaa and its significance (Part 1)

There are many pieces of evidence in the Qur’an and the traditions expressing that Allah may change what He has already willed and He may initiate a new will. However, there is an exception for His Sunan and His promises that He has chosen not to change at all.

The will of Allah is the creation of Allah. Thus, this change only occurs to the created information and does not imply a change in His Eternal Knowledge/His Essence. In other words, the novelty occurs in Allah's action, and not in Allah's Essence. Allah eternally knew what He would change later. By al-Badaa, only the created information that has been visible (al-Shahada) for the vice-regents of Allah becomes invisible (al-Ghaib) and vice versa. The visible information is about what Allah has willed to happen in the past and in the future (Ilm Ma Kan wa Ma Yakun), and the invisible information is about all other infinite possibilities that Allah has not willed to happen (Ilm Ma Lam Yakon).

There are numerous verses in Qur’an that prove Allah's hands are open to originate or change anything in His creation. For instance:

"And the Jews said, 'The hand of Allah is tied up'. Be their hands tied up and be they accursed for what they uttered. Nay, His hands are outstretched. (5:64)"

"Allah erases whatever He wills and records/establishes (likewise), and with Him is the Mother-Book. (13:39)" "

Thy Lord creates whatever He wills and He chooses. No choices have they (in what He has not permitted, or in leadership as per another Hadith). Glory to Allah! And far is He above the partners they ascribe! (28:68)"

"If He so wills, He removes you and brings in a New Creation. Nor is that (at all) difficult for Allah. (14:19-20; 35:16-17)" "Every day He brings in a (new) matter/situation. (55:29)" "He increases in the creation what He wills, for Allah has power over all things. (35:1)" "Nor is an individual's life prolonged, nor does anything decrease from his life span, except that it is (being reflected) in a Book. All this is easy for Allah. (35:11)"

In a very long discourse narrated from Imam Ali (AS), he has stated the following regarding al-Badaa:

Imam Ali (AS) said, "As for he who denies al-Badaa, (it would suffice that) Allah said in His Book, 'So turn away from them, and you are not blameworthy (51:54)' (by which) Allah, the exalted, intended their destruction on the earth at that time. Then, Allah rectified for them by His mercy, and made Badaa regarding to their destruction, and revealed to His Apostle, 'And remind, for reminding benefits the Believers (51:55)'.

A similar case is His saying, 'But Allah was not to punish them whilst you were amongst them; nor was He to punish them whilst they ask for forgiveness. (8:33)' Then Allah made Badaa (by revealing), 'But what plea have they that Allah should not punish them when they keep out (men) from the Sacred Mosque? (8:34)' Similarly, it is His saying, 'If there are twenty tolerant amongst you, they will overcome two hundred, and if there are a hundred (like them) amongst you, they will overcome a thousand of those who disbelieve. (8:65)' He then made Badaa and said, 'Now, Allah lightened your (burden) for He knew that there is a weakness in you. Thus, if there are a hundred tolerant amongst you, they will overcome two hundred, and if there are a thousand (like them) amongst you, they will overcome two thousands by the leave of Allah. And Allah is with those who are patient.

(8:66)' This way, Allah carried out the matter in the abrogating (Nasikh) and the abrogated/cancelled (Mansukh). This shows the reformation of what was originated. Furthermore, it is His saying, 'Allah wipes off whatever He wills and records (likewise), and with Him is the Mother-Book. (13:39)' Hence, does He wipe off except that which existed [i.e., its will was existent]? And, does He record except that which did not exist [i.e., its will was non-existent]? There are many examples like these in the Qur’an..."

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