Imam Reza
All Stories
> Ahl-Ul-Bayt
Basic Beliefs and Principles
Islamic History and Civilization
The Holy Prophet
Imam Ali (A.S)
Hazrat Zahra (A.S)
Imam Hassan (A.S)
Imam Hussein (A.S)
Imam Sadjad (A.S)
Imam Baqir (A.S)
Imam Sadiq (A.S)
Imam Kadhim (A.S)
Imam Reza (A.S)
Imam Javad (A.S)
Imam Hadi (A.S)
Imam Askari (A.S)
Imam Mahdi (A.S)
The Poet on Imam Ali ibn al-Husayn, al-Sajjad (as)
Imam Zayn al-‘Abidin, peace be on him, went to the Sacred House of Allah to perform the pilgrimage. Meanwhile Hisham b. ‘Abd al-Malik went there for the same purpose. The latter did his best to touch the Black Stone but he was unable to do that, for the people overcrowded around it.
14 Lessons from Karbala
Humanity has been provided with many lessons to learn from the events at Karbala. It is a source of divine enlightenment and a true road to the salvation of mankind.
Lessons from Imam Kadhim’s Imprisonment
Imagine iron locking onto your feet 24/7. Imagine not having the luxury of roaming around your home. Imagine not being able to look out a window. Imagine you lose track of day and night. Imagine darkness becomes your only light. Imagine the only treatment you get is cruelty. Imagine through all that, you are alone. While we find ourselves incapable of imagining such a harsh lifestyle, Imam Musa al-Kadhim (peace be upon him) actually had to live through it for over 20 years.
Supplication for the advent of the Present Imam (a.t.f.s.) in the qunoot of each prayer
O, my Allah, toward You and in Your direction: eyes gaze, steps advance, palms and hands are lifted, necks stretch. And you are called with tongue.
Ali’s Virtues before His Birth
The orator of Khawarizm quoting `Abdullah ibn Mas`ud has reported that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: O `Abdullah! An angel came to me carrying a message from God who said: O Muhammad! Ask the prophets coming before you what they commissioned for? I said: You say what they were commissioned for? He answered: The very essence of their mission is based on the Wilayah of you and `Ali ibn Abi-Talib. [2]
Sahifa Al-Mahdi (a.t.f.s.)
Supplications and salutations to the virtuous are appreciated by the Glorious Lord. Supplicating for God's blessings are the best mode of worship and expression of humility before the Omnipotent Lord.
The Role of Traditions in the Occultation of the Twelfth Imam
After the martyrdom of al-Husayn, the Imamite Imams from ‘Ali b. al-Husayn to al-Hasan al-’Askari followed a quiescent policy towards the Umayyads and the ‘Abbasids. But they expected that all their suffering would be terminated by al-Qa’im, whose rising in arms they were awaiting.
The Biographical Works
The Imamites compiled four main biographical works concerned with the domain of the present study in the 4th-5th/10th-11th centuries.
The Origin of the Issue of Khilafah
From the first days of the prophetic mission (bi`thah) the issue of leadership of the Islamic Nation after the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) was more or less in people’s minds. The story of the man who made his acceptance of Islam conditional upon becoming the leader after the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his family), which the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) did not accept, is well known.
The Holy Prophet (sa.) had said that during the night of 15th Shaba'an the Almighty takes decisions in the matters of sustenance, life and death and welfare of the people.