Imam Reza
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> Ahl-Ul-Bayt
Basic Beliefs and Principles
Islamic History and Civilization
The Holy Prophet
Imam Ali (A.S)
Hazrat Zahra (A.S)
Imam Hassan (A.S)
Imam Hussein (A.S)
Imam Sadjad (A.S)
Imam Baqir (A.S)
Imam Sadiq (A.S)
Imam Kadhim (A.S)
Imam Reza (A.S)
Imam Javad (A.S)
Imam Hadi (A.S)
Imam Askari (A.S)
Imam Mahdi (A.S)
Four lessons by Lady Fatima Zahra for humanity
We should make greater efforts [towards emulating Fatima Zahra (as)]. Lessons to be learned from the life of Siddiqat al-Taherah, Fatima Zahra (as), involve making great efforts, showing diligence, and leading a pure life;--just as that great personality, the manifestation of enlightenment and purity, led her life: she was "pure, immaculate, virtuous, and pious," [Kamel al-Ziarat, page 310]. Traits of purity, piety and enlightenment of such an exceptional person are what have influenced our Islamic teachings throughout the history of Shi’a Islam.
Muhammad (PBUH&HP) The Unschooled Prophet (2)
Imam Ali(a) on the ‘welfare state’ and ‘limited guardianship’
Ali ibn Abi Talib (599-661), the most revered religious scholar among Shiite Muslims who made the first explicit attempt to conceptualise rights in the history of political thought.
Muhammad (PBUH&HP) The Unschooled Prophet (1)
One of the highlights in the life of the great Prophet Muhammad (SA) is the fact that he was untrained and unschooled (ie, he did not attend any school).
Freedom in Precept of Imam Ali (A.S)
Imam Ali, the son-in-law and cousin of the Prophet Muhammad, had a full democratic behavior toward and allowed complete freedom to Kharijites or Khawarij in Arabic language – a general term embracing Muslims who initially supported the authority of the Imam and Caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib and later rejected his leadership.
Tolerance of Opponents by Imam Ali (A.S)
Imam Ali, the son-in-law and cousin of the Prophet Muhammad, during his rule as the Caliph and Imam granted full freedom to Kharijites or Khawarij in Arabic language – a general term embracing Muslims who initially supported the authority of the Imam and Caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib and later rejected his leadership.
Some Traditions on the Virtues of Imam Ali (A.S) (part 2)
It is an undisputed fact that Imam Ali was the first man to embrace Islam after the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Below are some of the references
Some Traditions on the Virtues of Imam Ali (A.S) (part1)
It is narrated that: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: "He who wants to see Noah (A.S) in his determination, Adam (A.S) in his knowledge, Abraham (A.S) in his clemency, Moses (A.S) in his intelligence and Jesus (A.S) in his religious devotion should look at Ali Ibn Abi Talib (AS)."
The Value of Man from viewpoint of Imam Ali (A.S)
Imam Ali (A.S) said: ”The worth of a man is as much as his courage. His valor is due to his self-respect ...”
Examples of Imam Ali’s (A.S) Moral Virtues (part 6)
Recompense In the eighth year after Hijrah, Mecca was conquered by Allah’s Messenger. The House of Allah was purified from the filth of idols with Ali’s idol-breaking act.